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Everything posted by Warlord694

  1. I tried to go to SFSTL today. When we got there the parking lot was full and they were people parking on the grass. We bailed and went to a waterpark close to home. I checked their website and today is "Christian Family Day". I can't wait to see Big Mikes report from today! It should be interesting.
  2. Run to the hills or any other Iron Maiden song.
  3. Looking at the coaster it looks like it is slow thru the course. But when you are on it it has great pacing and really flys. Great airtime. We got to the park about 5 min after opening and the line was backed up past the train bridge. I walked down and they were not letting anyone into the queue. So not knowing how long delay would be I took the kids on Moon cars which goes under EK but track is really short. By the time we got off that(10:50) They had a guy dressed like Evel on a Harley go flying down the sidewalk by the queue, and then they started letting people in line go. We got in line and the ride was stopped for technical difficulties 4 times. It took a little over an hour in line and then we were on. We went back around 2:30 and line was much shorter only about 15 min. We got up into the station and Evel's wife was hanging around the station. She was gone when I got done with my ride. We got in a couple more rides. Last car right seat is my favorite. I also rode 2nd row and still had excellent airtime up front. Line was too long for front but I'll get to hit that soon. I'll have to go after work some night and get in some night rides. It is definitely a hit for SFSTL and GCI.
  4. I am heading to the park to check it out. I'll post my review later.
  5. I thought it rode much better. But then again it has been very wet around here lately. I'll have to see how it rides when the wood dries out in July/August. Hopefully track repairs fixed its extreme roughness.
  6. It's very, very creepy going thru by yourself. My daughter looked in the first room at Mysterious Mansion and bolted. I was not going to back out after paying, so I headed in. I was the only one in the entire place. Needless to say I moved very fast thru it.
  7. I finally got thru to customer service. SFSTL's ordering site is missing the Credit card page. They said it would be 60-90 min to get it fixed.
  8. I am trying to order one for SFSTL but there is nowhere to enter credit card info. Anyone else seeing this problem?
  9. I was there Friday. Here is pics of wave rolling in. Not every wave was 9ft later in the day, they were maybe at 5ft.
  10. I went last week and Giant Swing really suprised me. While it is not near as tall as Skyhawk at CP, I think is swings higher in degrees. It states a 230 degree arc on swing but I cannot find how many degrees of swing Skyhawk has on Cedarpoint's site. I remember looking basically straight ahead at ground on Skyhawk, but was looking UP at the ground on the Giant Swing.
  11. Boss was running good because it rained all week. Ride it when structure is dried out and it is horrible.
  12. My 8 year old daughter comments as we exited T2 last year, "Dad, I think my brain is bleeding out of my ear." I almost fell down laughing at that one. Once was enough on that one for us.
  13. Here is some advise; Do not ride T2 unless you want brain damage. This one has to be the worst ever.
  14. Their Mad Mouse may well been the first coaster I ever rode. Chain-of-Rocks park in St. Louis had this exact model there in the 70's and the history of this coaster makes it possible that it was there. It sat at edge of cliff overlooking Mississippi River and at the turn at top of lifthill, I always thought is was going over the edge.
  15. Congradulations! I am glad baby and mommy are fine. Being a Dad is one of the greatest things in life. Good luck to you and your family.
  16. I saw this on Amazing Race a couple of years ago when they were in New Zealand and have been wanting to do this. It is coming to Pigeon Forge this year. http://www.zorb.com/smoky/index.html The "tracks?" they are building look wild.
  17. As I learned from my daughter, on Fairly Odd Coaster the pink train is Wanda. Does that count?
  18. I went on-line to buy them on 12/31 so I could get the $10 Home Depot card, but the code was invalid. So I went to buy anyway and it showed $44.99 ea. It was strange renewal was +10. We needed to get new pictures anyway.
  19. I got my one and only ride on SOB 5 days before the accident. While I was expecting certain death from reading thes boards, it was not a bad ride. Really a boring layout except for the loop. Now it will be drop(trim brakes?)-helix-helix-brakes. The only thing that SOB has going for it now is it is a wood hypercoaster.
  20. Reminds me of Would you like some chocolate pretzels?
  21. Well it is not new trains, just the old ones repaired. It does seem to ride much smoother. I could not tell if underneath was all new, it was hard to see but no visable changes or new parts showing. I'll add some pics when I download them.
  22. SFSTL Mr Freeze has been testing this week with new train. Hopefully will be cleared to run tonight. I will update in the AM.
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