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Everything posted by Randomman295

  1. This park looks absolutely stunning. Well designed slides, I'm sure, and there's a lot of them. By the way, is that coaster inverted or suspended? It looks both and I can't find anything on it.
  2. Pleasant: Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit- I had heard mixed reviews of this ride, and although it looked amazing, I never heard any real raves about it. But when I rode it myself last year, I quickly grew to love it for its unexpected airtime and brilliant first drop and loop. Revolution at SFMM- I must have caught this ride on a REALLY good day, because I haven't heard a single good review of it. But when I got a front seat night ride, I was treated to a chilly, smooth powerhouse of grace. The only headbanging I got was just before the drop leading into the loop. Unpleasant: Scream at SFMM- It's a B&M built over a parking lot. What else can I say? Excalibur at Valleyfair- This bizarre looking ride looked as though it would be a fun, goofy mine train style Arrow with some good airtime, but all I got was a sore butt.
  3. (Premier) Do you have any more advancements in the field of indoor roller coaster technology? We've all been waiting for another coaster to rival Revenge of the Mummy at Universal Studios Orlando.
  4. In all honesty, even though I know I was the one who suggested this, but the overbank just feels a bit too Maurer-ish. More like Shock and not Rock Bottom Plunge if you know what I mean.
  5. (GG) Do you plan to make Wooden Warrior a line of family coasters? They really could sell.
  6. (Intamin) Are there any chances of seeing launched coasters with trains similar to the ones on Skyrush? (And a question for robbavley: Where is the IAAPA being held this year?)
  7. (Intamin) At the rate you continue to produce record-breaking speeds and heights on roller coasters, how soon do you think it will be before we start seeing coasters that break the 175 MPH and 500' barriers?
  8. (Intamin) Is there any chance of seeing another closed circuit Inverted Impulse coaster, or was Volcano: The Blast Coaster just a one-time prototype?
  9. (Intamin) We've seen your company produce many different types of roller coasters, some even exclusive to your company, but have you tried to create a flying coaster before?
  10. (Intamin) Other than the tiered seating on your recent Skyrush, have you ever considered 4 across seating much like ones on the older B&Ms?
  11. (B&M): Whatever happened to your signature Predrop? I've noticed that they disappeared from some of your more recent custom projects.
  12. I really am sad to see this go down. Although it was poorly ridden, it looked really cool and dominated the coaster skyline at King's Island (which is rare for a woodie). It can only make me hope that another wooden coaster goes in its place. I, although I know the chances are slim of it actually happening, am hoping to see a Gravity Group woodie similar to Holiday World's The Voyage pop up in its place.
  13. Just to clarify, will this said "announcement" tell the name and maybe the stats of the ride?
  14. I love the supports on Stormy a lot. Why didn't they use that design on the other Rocket Coasters?
  15. I'm sad to see another Intamin be taken out. I, for one, thought that this had one of the highest "Fun" factors of any ride in the park, almost next to Magnum, Gemini, and Blue Streak.
  16. Wildebeest looks incredibly fun for a water ride. I guess I need to make my way back up to Illinois for a visit.
  17. Great report! Loving the pictures of I305 with the slightly fish-eyed camera lens. Quick question though: Does Hurler have more airtime than Grizzly?
  18. Great report! Loved the picture of that glorious Schwarzkopf looper. Almost forgot that one existed; glad you reminded me!
  19. WAIT WAAAIT The New York update a couple years ago probably has something to do with this, right? RIGHT?
  20. Cedar Point's lack of any new rides. What's worse than a blackout in the Big Apple?
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