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Everything posted by Schotcher

  1. I meant a new video. That is the "new" video of the "new" coaster SFA is getting for 2012.
  2. Canobie Lake Park Busch Gardens Williamsburg Six Flags Great Adventure
  3. They really are. It's impossible to slip out unless the Ankle lock things aren't in place. But if they are, you can't put your body through em, and you can't pull your feet out of them. Perfectly safe.
  4. I agree. I think Rolling Thunder is really fun. I actually found it fun to slam into the side of the car on the turnaround, and the really loud noise it makes. It's a fun little ride.
  5. But theres no track next to him. I'd think they wouldn't change which side the track is on, they'd just use the same one if it were a ZacSpin.
  6. I'm facepalming Six Flag's limited concept art's budget. If this turns out to be a Wingrider, I have lost hope with Six Flag's concept art.
  7. Wear cargo shorts or leave your stuff in the car. Simple solution. Can't. See above.
  8. A bag filled with medicine (Allergic to nuts) so I can't really lose that so I guess I need to get a locker. Are there all day lockers or just 2 hour ones?
  9. ZacSpins are as rare as Wingriders though. There are 4? I think 4 ZacSpins in the world, one in the US, and there are 2 Wingriders built, one announced, and one to possibly land at Dolly. So yeah...but I definitely think it's going to be a Wingrider. Replacing a trophy Beemer with a 900 foot low capacity coaster...*Pulls on collar* Yeesh.
  10. I know it is. But anyone find it interesting that there is one definite Wingrider and 2 possible Wingriders being built for next year (And Raptor from this year) and B&M doesn't even have Wingrider's on it's product list? http://www.bolliger-mabillard.com/products/products_en.aspx
  11. From what I've heard people are a bit disappointed to say the least to see Deja Vu leaving. It is very pointless to move it. But it could've been done. Just sayin. It's pointless but it could've been done if they wanted to. But would you rather a ZacSpin or a Wingrider?
  12. That was a subtle attack at SFMM for building a ZacSpin instead of moving Deja Vu to it's plot. (Even though it would be a bit pointless, but if everybody likes it so much then they could have easily kept it). EDIT: lolz "baby Jesus" But anyway I think SFGA needs to replace a Beemer with a Beemer. I mean losing the first Beemer? Even though it seems like it hurts, it's still a trophy.
  13. No but they are a "Waste of space." You could fit at least 2 flat rides/a boomerang in a ZacSpins place. With and 8 person train, you'd be better off capacity wise and satisfaction wise if you just put in a couple flat rides in it's place. You'd also save a ton of money.
  14. ZacSpins are a complete waste of space and 5 million dollars. B&M wingriders all the way (across the sky)
  15. That's why it's only concept art. I know, he's enjoying himself too much too if he's riding a ZacSpin. (I know it's concept art)
  16. I screwed up the first time, got it right the second time. Yeesh. But anyways...looks like the park is closed for the weekend due to Irene. On Six Flags America's Facebook: "Oh and even though the park is closed, the envelope clues will keep coming each night as we get closer to the big 2012 announcement on September 1ST! IRENE isn't going to stop our Facebook fun!" Great. Yay.
  17. The first half of the layouts except for heights and lengths are mirror images. The FIRST half. Not the second. The first. Have you ridden both of them?
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