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Everything posted by Intamax92

  1. There is a boomerang at my home park(walibi holland), which is updated with onride music and new trains, It's not my favorite ride, but I still like it When I first rode that about 10 years ago, I found it really intense and came out dizzy most of the times, that didn't keep me from riding again though. 2 years ago, I rode my first GIB, This was a really awesome experience
  2. Just finished my first project in Business Engineering.
  3. 1. Shambala @ PortAventura 2 Batman la fuga @ Parque Warner Madrid 3. Monster @ Walygator Parc 4. Katun @ Mirabilandia 5. Blue Fire @ Europa Park 6. Furius Baco @ PortAventura 7. Dragon Kahn @ PortAventura 8. Superman Attraccion De Acero @ Parque Warner Madrid 9. iSpeed @ Mirabilandia 10. Stuntfall @ Parque Warner Madrid
  4. This ride uses steel wheels, im 99% sure of it The coaster is somehow funny, but it gives me a headache after 2 of 3 rides.
  5. Im not sure about the name yet, but the theming willl indeed be a boardwalk/beach setting
  6. Thanks! I Maxed out my graphic settings in NL, Still a solid 100FPS most of the time, it only drops with heavy-themed coasters. This is my first spinning coaster ever, It's kind of hard to make it spin but I think it came out pretty good. So far, the coaster is fully made by myself(except for the auto flanges and catwalks) but I think i'm going to ask a friend to help with the scenery
  7. I am sorry for keeping you waiting so long, but here are some new screens of my spinning coaster, the track and supports are done, I just need to add scenery now. The Coaster is inspired by the Mack Spinning Coaster d'wervelwind at toverland, but it has a very different layout.
  8. Hi I am working on a new rollercoaster, these are some pictures. I will rework the supports together with a friend of mine. the track is finished, however I might change it a bit because it's very extreme. The first 5 persons who PM me can recieve the NLtrack file to test it
  9. Thursday, I will be going on a 12-day trip to Spain with the following parks: Walibi Sud Oest Parque de attracciones Zaragoza Parque Warner Madrid Parque De attraciones Madrid Terra Mitica PortAventura Tibidabo Parc Asterix I can''t wait, it is going to be awesome
  10. Magnus Colossus @ Terra Mitica and Dragon Kahn @ Portaventura (I don't know how it is with shambala)
  11. Goliath in Walibi Holland, It is not really that hard to find, but it's just too far away from the rest of the park.
  12. This is a picture of me, with the construction of Wodan Timbur Coaster in the background. This was made in october during terenzi horror nights
  13. Wow, this topic is really awesome, There are a lot of beers which I have never heard of My last one was a Hertog Jan Grand Prestige, Which is what we call a "special beer" here in holland. And it is really great
  14. Walibi Holland [NL] - Build a B&M inverted or Wingrider - Build an indoor ride which isn't some cheap 4d cinema - Make a Path from El Condor to Goliath - Quit milking out Halloween, and bring it back to how it was in 2007 Toverland [NL] - Build a flatride which inverts or a coaster with inversions - Open troy the whole day Efteling [NL] - Build a ride with a bit more thrill, even a SLC or boomerang would be a great addition - Friendlier staff PortAventura [ES] - Retrack/toppertrack Stampida, and get rid of the kumbak trains - A thrilling flat ride, maybe something like Talocan - Find a way to make Furius Baco smoother
  15. These are some awesome new projects to follow, I have seen the europa park 2012 model in real life, but I have never noticed any of these "hidden" jokes
  16. Does it have MK1200 track(standard vekoma), or anything that looks like it?
  17. Here is my entry Mantequilla mine train Downloadable here: http://www.themeparkreview.com/game_exchange/track.php?id=2442 and the FB thingy
  18. Just before I went to Spain, I bought a Fujifilm Finepix Real 3d W3 Camera. It was hard to find one because they were sold out almost everywhere. Luckily I found one the day before I left. In my vacation I had a lot of time to play with this camera and to find out how it works. But because I just bought it, some 3D Photo's are better then others. You can view the pictures with Red-Cyan Glasses, These are the most easy to get and the cheapest. For better 3d viewing, I would reccomend viewing the images as large as possible. For people who don't have 3d glasses, the photo's will be uploaded in 2d later There was some trouble with the journey to spain. First my uncle brought me, my mother and my mothers boyfriend(not my father) to the train station of Breukelen, from which we went to Eindhoven Train Station. but we had to switch trains in Utrecht. but first a stop at Starbucks, where my mother found out she had forgotten her passport. So she went back to Breukelen, which is fortunately only 12 minutes with the train from Utrecht. View from the Breukelen train station When I stayed at Utrecht Train Station, My father called me that there was a communication error at Eindhoven airport, and lots of flights were delayed or cancelled, Fortunately there were no problems with our flight. We checked in our luggage, got something to eat on the airport and when we walked to the gate, I saw my luggage get loaded into the plane. The white one in the middle is mine! About 10 minutes later we stepped in to the plain, with of course had seats very close to each other. so I couldn't really enjoy the flight, but after I took this picture I felt asleep Picture from the airplane, still at the airport I woke up just before the landing and saw the ground coming closer quite fast, at the end a little too fast because the landing was pretty rough, but after a little drive we arrived at the Reus airport. took a bus to Hotel Las vegas in salou, which is a 15 minutes walk to PortAventura, and I went to sleep almost immediately because the next day I was going to PortAventura. Before I went to portaventura, I went to a small supermarket in Salou to buy some energydrink and Ice tea. and took the bus to PortAventura. In spain, the public transport is really cheap. When I arrived at portaventura I saw that people had to pay 44 euro's to get in. but I didn't because I have an Europa Park annual pass. after a five minutes wait at the information desk, I got my free ticket Just like 2 years ago, I started with furius baco, which is a really awesome Intamin Wingrider and the only one in the world. I waited 2 hours for it because of really slow park staff and technical problems with the ride. which happened more times in my 4-days visit to portaventura. Furius baco was pretty rough 2 years ago, and it even got rougher. now you have to sit in the inside of the train to get a ride which doesn't give you a headache. but despite that, I still think Furius baco is still one of the most awesome and forceful rides I've been on. but it was really a shame that the pre-show wasn't working properly. this ride has awesome theming and the preshow is the final touch. Photo's: At here I stop typing for a moment, It is quite hard to translate a dutch tripreport into an english one, I hope I did good
  19. Thanks for the replies, The Station is too long because at first I used longer trains for this coaster. I made it shorter now, but that will be shown in the update after this one. I might make a custom Station, but I will do that when the track is finished. And this will not be a shuttle coaster, Although I use shuttle mode now so I can make trains run on the uncompleted track I made the track colour a bit darker, so you could see it better in the screens. I hope you like it The new Part Onride Pic Overview
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