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Everything posted by The_Mad_Hatter

  1. How is it stupid at all to buy a park with a large B&M coaster, great foundations, and several other solid coasters as well? Sure, the last owners didn't have what it took to make the park successful, but it's not like there haven't been worse parks that haven't been turned around. The park is far from doomed.
  2. Thanks... How do you think lines will be time wise, since I'm not very familiar with the park?
  3. I'm going to SFOG Sunday, April 9th (or 10th), and was wondering if I should invest in the flashpass system. The latest posts have scared me, but how do crowds look for that day? Thanks so much. Really would appreciate a response.
  4. I really like that take on Mysterious Island, BigDipper. Surprisingly accurate, especially for no CS! Supports Pending.
  5. https://www.ultimaterollercoaster.com/news/archives/2000/stories/060800_01.shtml from 2000
  6. There are also pictures of a dinosaur like eye as well as a fossilized foot thing... http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/park/mud/index.cfm :/ I've got it... Stratasaur will be coming to Kings Island. The WindSeeker will become 100 ft taller and given a dinosaur theme. Boom. Done.
  7. That video was quite rough and bumpy--they're obviously doing something involving Son of the Beast.
  8. Little Mermaid will open June 3rd. That's the only one of those you listed that I heard confirmed.
  9. Really cool! I'm guessing it's a Zac-Spin? Neat idea! Works really well actually.
  10. /\/\Thanks alot! haha. /\would love to see it--what program? Poseidon Adventure: Just a mock-up.
  11. 1) Tower of Terror 2) Carousel of Progress 3) Expedition Everest 4) Space Station Earth 5) Haunted Mansion
  12. /\/\That's crazy!! Can't think of much else--unbelievable really!
  13. Looks just like the real thing, Califoif! Really nice work Maylene. Love 'em.
  14. I'm really enjoying this project. The tower looks great, I love all the cracks and details.
  15. Wow! Thanks for all the pictures. Looks amazing! Theme parks on a cruise ship? sure... http://disneyandmore.blogspot.com/2009/11/ss-disney-incredible-wdi-project.html
  16. That's really cool looking Califoif! Yup. The arches are from Klinn's Frameworks.
  17. I really like the Space Mountain, Looplover! That's the Hong Kong version, right? very nice.
  18. That's really cool! I instantly recognized the Poly! Pretty nice stuff, is there any interior (like the lobby)?
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