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Everything posted by Audio111

  1. Sounds like an interesting idea... If this plan follows through all the way, I hope they implement some decent coasters. Some of my family lives in Moscow and I haven't been back since 1997. Maybe I'll get to check this park out in the future?
  2. I tend to not use the manufacturers' in terms of height: The way I break it down is like this: Mega: 0-199 feet Hyper: 200-299 feet Giga: 300-399 feet Tera: 400-499 feet Penta: 500+ feet Thus where I came up with the 'hybrid' name: Hyper-Lite: It's over 200ft, it's got the cable-lift system. Just my 'guess' on the ride's class- nothing official. ^^^So a kiddie coaster that's 20 feet high can be considered a Mega Coaster?!
  3. Wow, this ride looks really beautiful and unique so far. I'm sure that it will be an excellent addition to the park and a thrill for guests for years to come. Hopefully I'll get to ride it one day!
  4. Yeah that's true, the ride really needs a fresh coat of paint! It's a shame that Xcelerator has all these cable incidents, what bad luck!
  5. A flat package perhaps. You can't go wrong with a Screamin' Swing.
  6. Yeah I agree. But if Deja Vu does come to SFNE, they should just go ahead and remove Flash Back and put it there instead. It's not like anyone would care.
  7. If I could only ride one for the rest of my life, it would definitely be El Toro. The ride has everything a coaster lover needs to sustain themselves for a long period time!
  8. The new trains track well, but not as well as the old ones. IMO. People who say they don't track well are most likely comparing them in terms of what the ride used to have. Its still a smooth ride.
  9. Big Thunder Mountain @ MK . I loved the ride, nice and smooth!
  10. Great trip report! I really enjoyed going through the pictures. That one picture with your daughter pointing was hilarious! Look forward to more!
  11. I always enjoy the overall experience of being in an amusement park just as much as the coasters. To me there's a lot of appeal about being inside an environment where the people around you are having fun and enjoying themselves. I also find the aesthetics of an amusement parks to be quite enchanting. There's a lot of beauty, and creativity involved in the construction of such places. The only thing that sometimes sucks is that summer weather though! If it's too hot and humid, it can diminish my overall experience on that particular day. Anyways, I feel like I'm where I should naturally be when I'm inside an amusement park.
  12. Last Night I had a dream in which Son of Beast was demolished and replaced with a Intamin Giga Woodie. How awesome would that be!? (Yes, I do have a lot of dreams involving Intamin attractions)
  13. I agree with the above posts. There is now one spot on Cyclone that has CRAZY ejector air. It scared the shit out of me when it happened, never would have expected it! I was literally ejected like half of foot out of my seat and thought I was going to fly out !!! Its like the last hill of El Toro x2
  14. Robb the ride operator! Sounds awesome! Being one is definitely a job that carries a lot responsibility and sometimes a lot of emotions. I feel like a coaster enthusiast would naturally be more prepared for being a ride operator. For example If I was one, I would gravitate towards understanding everything about the ride (including the ride rules) because it sounds appealing!
  15. I'm visiting La Ronde for the first time in a few weeks. Hope Goliah doesn't disappoint!!
  16. For me it's a tie between Bizzaro @SFNE and El Toro, both have amazing amounts of Airtime.
  17. Maybe they are also going to get a new flat along with a new coaster for next year? SkyRush sounds like a decent name for a Screamin' Swing. It could be possible!
  18. The Intamin drop tower accident at Kentucky Kingdom always creeped me out the most, and it's definitely one that got a good amount of media attention.
  19. ^^^ That's the same thing the doctors asked me when I came into the emergency room! Unfortunately, I am not kidding LOL. Breaking it was more annoying then painful, I had to hire a lackey to write for me in school. Luckily it wasn't during coaster season, so I didn't miss out on any parks!
  20. -Wow, that sucks! Taxi drivers can be crazy! As for me, I once broke my pinky during an intense game of pillow fight.
  21. I'm honestly not sure if it was suicidal at all after reading about the type of person he was. He seemed like a person who understood the possible effects that his "suicide" would have on people other then his family. For example the other riders (including children) that witnessed him die. Not to mention the ride operators who let him on the ride. Who's not to say that one of them is blaming his/her self for his death?. He just seemed like the type of guy that wouldn't let that type of burden fall on individuals he never knew. However, you never know for sure.
  22. Bizzaro, Bizzaro, Bizzaro, Bizzaro. @SFNE (I hate that chant!)
  23. There is going to be a "full investigation" on what happened and who knows how long that will take. The ride will then also have to be approved for operation by numerous safety organizations. It also depends of whether they decide to make physical safety changes to the ride which could take weeks if not months. Personally, I wouldn't put my money on next Sat.
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