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Everything posted by kingsdominionlvr

  1. Yes, three times in fact! Are you registered to vote?
  2. Have you ever heard of spell check kid? Anyway, with the new brakes that have arrived, I think it is much more likely that it will be a hyper coaster than a floorless. Nice find to whoever found those pictures of the Diamondback brake run.
  3. I'm 5'11" and have no trouble fitting on Premier rides. I'm glad someone understood my attempt at a little humor Anyway, how many times do people have to keep posting that the ride will have a name shortly? Can't people read to figure that out? Hah, and you say I was complaining!
  4. Maybe like Six Flags did with Bizarro, an interesting point if you ask me.
  5. I'm 6'2" 215lbs and have no problem with their restraints. I also have a friend that's 6'5" and doesn't have a problem either... I am 5'11 190 lbs, and often walk of premier coasters with cramped legs.
  6. ^ They cramp you legs and give a boxed in feel. Hopefully, they improve that on the new coaster.
  7. Luckily, I am still in college (summer break kicks butt)! They have said that everything will be on the net though, so you are in luck!
  8. Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme. I was just saying that the Carowinds and KD coasters are dropping hints that their rides are racing themed and that racing ties into moonshine so it all comes together in a weird obscure way. Oh! Okay, sorry about that, now I understand. Anyone, going to be at the announcement? I know I will, hopefully, it is all it is hyped up to be.
  9. If they are not removing the turnpike, then I guess I am okay with this. Even though, the new coaster will not be all everyone hyped it up to be. Until Premier fixes their train restraints and reliability problems (which still plagues their modern launched coasters), I still look at their launchers as outdated and unconfortable. But Hey, a coaster is a coaster, at least they are adding a new coaster.
  10. A Premier Launcher, that is there major new coaster? What a let down, most Premiers have unconfortable trains, reliability issues, and a generally bad ride experience. All I can do is hold out hope, that this one is not like the previous Premier launchers.
  11. Kings Dominion will be featuring 2 new shows, at least 1 new maze (Medieval Macabre, located inside dodgems), and promises to push the limits even further. Personally, I think they have the best haunt on the east coast.
  12. Now there is a plan! There is no guarantee where all of the track would fall, it would not be safe.
  13. One slight problem with your sarcastic (at least I hope) theory. If you noticed SOB is pretty much surrounded by trees. Lets just say Smokey the Bear would probably have a heart attack if Kings Island tries to make the world's biggest bond-fire. As for the epcot wand, it is not nearly as big as Son of Beast, and is certainly does not have as complex of a support structure.
  14. Launched or not, it breaks the 240+ barrier. I can see why B&M would not want to suffer those problems, and I seriously doubt we will see a 300ft lift coaster from B&M due to their box track design. TTD does have rather frequent problems, which is expected for any launched coaster over 250 feet.
  15. The hyper is not confirmed last time I checked, but if I were Carowinds patrons, I would be happy to have a nice new B&M no matter what the model, especially after just getting a boomerang. Keep in mind as well that Intamin pays the price in maintenance, while B&Ms usually hardly ever break down. Another thing you must consider, is B&M just takes orders from parks about what the parks want, and B&M gets the cash. Maybe most parks don't want a 300 foot maintenance nightmare, rather opting for a reliable 150-240 feet coaster from B&M. Not so sure you can say MF has been any kind of maintenance nightmare? The lift cable broke once but thats about it. Millie is not the only intamin coaster 300+ feet. Kingda Ka has been down most of the 2009 season, and Kinzel regrets even putting Top Thrill Dragster into the sky.
  16. Moon Shine is nicknamed White Lightning. So, I really don't see what this has to do with a Kings Dominion giga coaster. That theme would probably have more to do with Carowinds. I think, more likely, Kd's coaster will be named after Dale Sr, or just have the usual awful, general Cedar Fair coaster theme.
  17. The hyper is not confirmed last time I checked, but if I were Carowinds patrons, I would be happy to have a nice new B&M no matter what the model, especially after just getting a boomerang. Keep in mind as well that Intamin pays the price in maintenance, while B&Ms usually hardly ever break down. Another thing you must consider, is B&M just takes orders from parks about what the parks want, and B&M gets the cash. Maybe most parks don't want a 300 foot maintenance nightmare, rather opting for a reliable 150-240 feet coaster from B&M.
  18. They are already in some huge debt and paying the enormous cost to demolish SOB would not help. They should keep it up, at least until they can become financially sound again which may be a while by the looks of their debt load.
  19. God, this is such a great topic. My guess, is perhaps they do not have the technology to build past this barrier. Or, maybe they are scared of failure. They currently are considered one of the top (if not the best) steel coaster company in the world. A huge failure could really ruin their reputation.
  20. Can you imagine how much it would cost to tear down such a behemoth? They are better off keeping it and have it continue to be one of the most intimidating coasters in the park.
  21. Hah, 35 years ago I don't even think people could comprehend the beast KD will be getting next year.
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