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Everything posted by timetrial3141592

  1. Burn Vista, buy XP. When a Vista-EXCLUSIVE game that I want comes out, then I'll buy Vista. Else... NO.
  2. It even has the heartline roll... This is what Maverick SHOULD have been like.
  3. Something I don't remember that well, but It involved three dragons, a narrator, full color, surround sound, and made about as much sense as the below photo. It was that screwed up.
  4. What happens when the All-In-One climbs a hill? Train intersect. It won't articulate properly.
  5. Inertia. That solid block of steel will have a lot of mass, so high inertia.
  6. That's kinda what I was thinking. It's an Alternate Reality Game to hype the new ride.
  7. Someone DID cram a B+M into a Boomerang space... pretty creative layout, too. I'd post it here, but the admins would get pissed. I don't remember where it came from.
  8. GL is gonna kinda suck soon. Steel venom's gone, the flyer's gone, Dominator is gone...
  9. So, I heard that you are interested in Mudkips. There. I've said it.
  10. That's where the ERT came from. Space World, Uminonakamichi, Tobu Zoo, Parque Espana, Hirakata, and most other parks are almost empty all the time.
  11. I think the trims are so that they can valley it at will while testing.
  12. On the "Our Staff" page, one person used to work at "RDLO Communications". Entering that into a google search brings up this: One Link -- GOOGLEWHACK! There are 11 "i"s in the letter link. One Link As Well Here, too. None of these companies are real. This is so a not-thought-out ARG.
  13. I wrote to the "Found You" address with this: "Is this an Alternate Reality Game? It seems to be. Who is Mr. Hypershaker? Does this refer to the coaster Hersheypark is building? Does this mean it's a giga? "Hypershaker" seems to indicate it. Nantimi is an anagram of "Intamin", "Wbe Seitycur Deveerlop" is "Web Security Developer", and WHY are the quotes titled "Things are not always what thy seem, Mr. Hypershaker."? You did a poor job of hiding the link on your portfolio page; which brings me to ask why some letters are a different color. Please respond." EDIT: They replied. I quote: "Thank you for your interest in joining the staff at Nantimi. Someone from our staff will contact you shortly." WTF?
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