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Everything posted by Spideyfreak

  1. That's right folks, Dollywood's Blazing Fury is coming to No Limits. This is on of my favorite dark rides. This will be a fully themed recreation of the entire exterior, queue, and ride. I would like to have a small team for this. Here is a list of what I need: -A 3D modeler to make 3D objects for the ride. -A car texture. -Pictures of the queue. -Pictures of the maintenance bay. -Any pictures of the ride and show scenery. -Any other pictures of the ride would help a lot. Status: Trackwork: 99% completed Objects: 0% completed Cartexture: 0% completed If you would like to help with any of the above, please post a response. Project page: http://nldc.interfix.net/p1584 Thanks, Matt Fire in the hole!
  2. http://solfire.com/~iii_demon/coasters/satellite/BGW-2004-0.6096mpp.jpg That's the best I've got.
  3. LOL. Good nice little report. So how much did Mr. Yeti cost?
  4. You forgot to mention that only two trains can operate at a time.
  5. All I can say is: "There's your sign." Sometimes I think we should write a book called "Roller Coasters for Complete Morons"
  6. No, because rides and movies are two completely different things.
  7. I'm pretty sure Oceaneering worked on Spidey. I know they worked on DarKastle. Their designs are slightly different. For example, the track. Spidey has a guide rail and two sets of hot rails (power rails). DarKastle's is slightly different. There is the guide rail, and what looks like a hot rail on either side of the guide rail right up against it. So their designs are slightly different. That's the best explanation I can give for right now.
  8. Let me explain: Spidey's profile is perfectly syncronized to the actions outside the car. When Electro shocks you, the car vibrates and shakes. There is also a lot of interaction with the car, screens, lighting, and other special effects. On DarKastle, the most you get is fog and a blast of heat. Almost half of the ride is based on Spidey. For example, on DarKastle, you hear "Come, come don't hold back. It's time to heat things up!" This is clearly taken from when Dr. Octopus says "Don't leave now, things are just starting to....heat up." The basic sequence of events are even the same as Spidey. On top of all that, Busch Gardens says that there is no other ride like DarKastle. I'm just stating the facts. I just don't like it when people who have been on both rides don't think DarKastle is a rip off. Okay I'm done. I just needed to get that out.
  9. I don't like the drop on DarKastle. In fact I don't like any part of the vehicles' profile. All it does is rock back and forth and spin a few times. It's just a big rip off of Spidey.
  10. The problem on most wood coasters is shuffling.(sp?) Basic idea: There are 4 guide wheels on a wood coaster car. There are 2 in the front and 2 in the back. When the first car of the train hits a curve that is banked one of the front wheels hits the guide rail and bounces off until the wheel on the other side catches it, then that wheel does the same thing as the first. What happens is that it creates a rapid side to side movement on turns throughout the whole train, giving you the rough feeling. Rides with 2 guide wheels on each axle are not as rough (and if they are it is the the track). Basic idea: (This one is kind of hard to explain) When the train comes to a curve, one of the guide wheels hits the rail but the wheel behind it also hits the rail. This prevents shuffling, giving a smooth ride. Roughness can also be caused by a poor track design such as no heartlining or, on wood coasters, poor track maintenance. But usually it's caused by shuffling.
  11. Dollywood is kind of hard to get to in the off season. That's probably ehy there are no pictures.
  12. There's Eurostar: http://www.coastersandmore.de/rides/eurostar/eurostar_eng.shtml
  13. Correct. There are no "bunny hops", but there are small curved hills.
  14. No Limits is the more popular one. I have both simulators and I rarely use Scream Machines. When done properly you can make a great coaster. Be aware that you need to read the instructions given when you purchase the game. You will not be able to make perfect coasters right away, It may take you a year like me. I would suggest uploading your coasters to a sites such as www.coastersims.com or www.weeweeslap.com to have your coaster rated by others. This way you get feedback.
  15. You probably won't believe me but here it goes: I heard from a fairly reliable source that there will be a drop tower. I'm thinking the "In the dark" thing has something to do with the with the Haloween events coming up.
  16. I know, I hate those people. Especially when it goes rolling out right in front of you, causing you to trip, possibly inuring your ankle.
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