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Hang And Bang

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Everything posted by Hang And Bang

  1. ^ Says the guy from Arizona. How're those castles n coasters? There was that survey ScreamScape reported on back in June that SFSTL conducted asking about possible thrill rides for 2013/2014. One of the rides mentioned in the survey was an Intamin ZacSpin, so maybe we'll get one of those? A Disk-o was also mentioned. To be honest I'd prefer we get none of those and just wait a few years for something a little more substantial. But yeah, it really is looking like Flashback is headed our way.
  2. Fantastic TR! Lots of great pics - I especially like the shot of FoF's station. Glad you had fun!
  3. Hmm.. El Toro Kraken or Superman Krypton Coaster?
  4. I think it was closer to an hour lol. I was so disappointed when I discovered it was closed. I didn't know it raced. It looks really fun.
  5. The view from the balcony looks amazing! It must've been really relaxing. How was Mountain Slidewinder?
  6. Vanilla (with strawberry topping) Giant Dipper: SCBB or Belmont
  7. Great TR so far! Hating that I couldn't go!!! Beech Bend would've been a new park for me, always been curious about it. Nice to hear Kentucky Rumbler held up to the high praise you've always given it!
  8. Insane @ Grona Lund (Didn't wanna go for the obvious two here.)
  9. Hmm, Shambhala. Mind Bender (SFOG) or Shock Wave (SFOT)
  10. Hey, free lunch though. But then there's that damn digestive process. Maybe it's a raincheck lunch?
  11. ^^^ Absolutely, Laura! It's not that the more standard stuff isn't fun - we're coaster enthusiasts so even the typical stuff is gonna work when you're actually on the ride - but they just don't lend themselves well to being ranked. ^ I see where you're coming from QueerRudie, but for a lot of enthusiasts, especially newbies, ranking is definitely an important part of the hobby. Entire multiple websites are built around it. Like I mentioned previously I now only keep track of a Top 25, everything else kind of gels into basics of good, okay, or bad. I think a lot of it comes down to experience. When you've ridden, say, 105 coasters, that's easy and fun to rank. But start going considerably higher and it loses its appeal - it becomes less important and simply harder to do. But it's still very much a side hobby for a lot of enthusiasts and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. For what it's worth, there are foodies who do rank things like burgers, and sports fanatics are pretty obsessed with rankings and numbers, too. All that said (phew!), I do see your point; some enthusiasts just don't see the appeal, and others do.
  12. ^ Maybe he's into that kind of thing and in his moment of excitement forgot to think about things like blood poisoning and urethra damage. In all seriousness, though, I hope he's okay. It sounds like a pretty horrific thing to go through.
  13. When I first got into the enthusiast thing and started visiting a lot of parks and riding more and more coasters I was way into ranking. It was really fun and gave me a chance to reflect on the rides and my memories associated with them. But once you reach a certain number it starts to become cumbersome, or at least it did for me. After a few years you start having trouble remembering specific aspects of rides; memories get hazy and they're ephemeral by nature - not good for objectivity. For me it got really hard to rank things once I hit 250, and aside from Mitch's poll I don't even rank anything after my top 25*. Those are pretty much set, with the occasional new coaster making its way in. Everything after that gets tough due to either how long it's been since I've ridden a particular coaster, or the massive amounts of clones and Boomerangs and Wild Mouse coasters that all kind of blend together. After my top 25 I don't even rank anymore (except for Mitch's poll each year). * I do have an exception, in that being a huge B&M fanboy, I have all my B&M's ranked on their own. God I feel like a huge nerd right now.
  14. Suicide Blonde by INXS - one of my all-time faves.
  15. Ultra Twister (take your pick of which location )
  16. I went back a few pages and didn't see anyone mention it, so I'd suggest GetGlue. It's a check-in/social network app for movies, music, tv shows, games, books, and general topics (including roller coasters!) I'm totally addicted to it!
  17. B&M of course! (My username is ironic.) Flying coaster or stand-up coaster
  18. I also adore DP and can't wait to hear their work with Nile. Rodgers is an icon in his own right, and has worked with too many artists to name, but a few of my favorites include Madonna, David Bowie, Grace Jones, and The B-52's. Can't wait to hear what he and DP come up with!
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