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Everything posted by missingmusician

  1. Oh, so, on the subject of giraffes, I heard this really interesting fact. Chuck Norris invented the giraffe by uppercutting a horse.
  2. If you're looking for the old Linkin Park style to come back, you're going to be dissapointed. The most LP-style song on the album is "What I've Done" (The Single). I played it for a friend of mine today and she didn't even realize who it was based on the tracks I played for her (of course...that was kinda my point there..)
  3. Cypress Gardens. Not only do the rides suck, it's difficult to get to (no highway access for at least 30 minutes and it costs almost as much as Busch Gardens!
  4. Oh the debate of what you straight folk can compare yourselves to. I, personally, am straight as a circle.
  5. 80 Minute Wait?! We waited 10 yesterday... If you're going to the Orlando parks this time of year, go DURING THE WEEK. The kids are still in school, so it's only a few tourists and various college aged locals (like myself). If you go on the weekends, it's a lot of school trips and such. We walked on to pretty much everything yesterday. We did Single Riders for Mummy, though, and had a little wait for front row on the Dragons and Hulk. There was a little wait at Spiderman and...that's about it.
  6. Wow. I just realized I got edited. Whoops. My bad.
  7. I saw the list on Mike's computer when he was here, but I didn't look closely enough, so I have to ask... Is the article actually titled "Most Scariest" or do we just have bad grammar?
  8. IOA was supposed to have opened it's overhead ride in Seuss Landing (What is now High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride) when the park opened. That was, what? '99? The ride actually opened (as a somewhat different attraction than originally planned) in 2006. How's that for a delay?
  9. We can only hope. And the new album is fucking incredible. Seriously.
  10. For a second there, until I read the description, I actually thought the raccoon was a trash can.
  11. B&M Refused to get involved with the launch system on Hulk. They designed the ride, but not the launch system.
  12. Okay. Confirmed. The Mummy definitely has more airtime than Hulk. However, Dueling Dragon Fire (back row) has more airtime than both. That's neither here nor there. The Mummy still owns. The bf is probably going to be doing a Photo TR soonly
  13. Well...you do that...my boyfriend will continue to refer to my gender as male.
  14. I'm probably riding both this afternoon... I'll let you know. Uhm. But yeah...Mummy Owns.
  15. Yeah, let me say the first time I rode Shiekra I seriously thought I was going to die. And now, we can relive that experience....just without a floor. If you haven't ridden it, when you're on the end seats on the front row it's like you're hanging there anyway, without a floor, it'll be a total hang feeling, as there's no bar in front of you now. I can't effing wait
  16. I got gas at $2.87 Yesterday. I saw it at $2.85 a few days ago, but everywhere seems to be around $2.87.
  17. Im leaning more towards him being a guy. I mean how many girls would not put their gender if they liked guys? If that made any sense. I still think he is a he and not a she. ~Matthew I didn't mean to not put my gender, I just forgot to do my profile before I posted...It's all fixed now...seeee....
  18. I'm a guy I need to fill out the profile, I guess...
  19. Wouldn't it figure my first post here would be in this thread...totally unrelated to anything... Anyway, I like guys. And my bf is floating around here somewhere.
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