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Everything posted by Shadowforce

  1. Ok, now you got me curios. What happens in the segment that is so offensive? Reminds me I really need to scrape together 100$... *Stupid underpaid teenage jobs*
  2. I don't really like the small MSN guys, but it's far better than the former image... Hey, what's with all the double-posting in this topic? :S
  3. First, there's the Gyro Coaster, in which you would be seated in one of these funny gyroscopes that sometimes is at parks and fairs, and the mounted on X-style track. Would be awesome with 360* spinning. I've also often considered how you could make a double-decker coaster, with sit-down cars above the track, and inverted cars below. The only problem would be supporting, and making it smooth enough for people to ride.
  4. Yuck... I've been to one of these exbits, I've seen to much at hospitals in my life to be grossed out by much, but that just took the cake... What this have to do with theme park, entertainment, or kids for that matter is beyond me... I guess Koreans just are that different...
  5. First of all, Oresundsbroen is not free. You have to pay something along the lines of 50 $ to get across with a normal car. I'd still suggest the Helsingor-Helsingborg line, I just found out that it actually only takes about 15 minutes sailing over. The only setback is that you have to rely on a public service system to get you across. Secondly, how could you drop Bonbonland? This is the number 1 politically uncorrect park out there! And it has a neat selection of fairly good rides, along with a large collection of other, fun rides. Hansa Park has only the Scwartzkopf and perhaps the wild mouse speaking for its case. The place also is a wee bit run down compared to most danish parks.
  6. Are you going to have a rule for the langue in the lyrics of the BGM in the videos? I have some good songs from Denmark that fits perfectly, but most of them is in that bastardiation of langue we call Danish, so I would understand if it wasn't allowed.
  7. The sign in the final shot just screams "We don't care about you if attendance is low. Go away!" Knotts Berry Farm won't be high on my list of parks to visit if I ever get to US again...
  8. I don't know why that can be a question, if it is not the same track you have ridden before, it is a credit. Don't you count each of the BTR rides as a credit?
  9. It is a very different experience dropping head first to the ground, as opposed to drop tower style, butt first. You could argue if SheiKra's feeling of height is any better than that the hold back, looking into hell pit thingy feeling on Oblivion. I will just await people's judgement, but I think SheiKra will come out victorious.
  10. I'd love to have a Themeparkreview T-shirt, I collect that sort of merchandise. Pretty much everything park-related. I really need to get a less expensive hobby...
  11. I do not think there is a simple answer to the question you ask. Personally, I'd love if more manufactures would see the potential in the combination of good theming and a thrilling ride. Only thing that comes to mind that combines them both are Nemesis. And look! It's still a top ten coaster after 11 years of operation!
  12. The only company in the coastering industry I know of with a name somewhat like that is Spectra FX, who started building Pteranodon Flyers in IOA. I believe they went out of business a long time ago. It could be that they have tried to make their way back into business under a new name. But, I can't say anything for sure.
  13. Well, I'll just assume this will be moved eventually, and reply as I normally would: I'm still lost as to how a fair coaster doesn't count? If it would be considered a rollercoaster at a park, I'll count it as a credit. Your coaster count is supposed to reflect how many rollercoasters you've ridden, not how many parks you've been to. Don't you count Eurostar as a credit?
  14. I've been to: Tivoli Gardens Bonbonland Sommerland Sjelland Bakken Legoland Hansapark Tivoli World Malaga Holiday World Gran Canaria Disneyland Florida Ain't it pathetic?
  15. Mexican style meat dish with new potatoes garnished with a simple salad. And after that, homemade chocolate muffins! Life is good...
  16. I've ridden something that goes beyond vertical, and if a Dive Machine delivers anything near the rush of that, I think it's safe to say that they rock. Sheikra is gonna be awesome, I know it!
  17. Don't you now how nutrient a sticker like that is? Argh, now I need to get something too eat...
  18. Is that ride super slow or what? And socalMAN123, what are you on about, Euro Mir is very unique, and even more so cool! We here in Europe like our coasters weird, which X:/ No way out is the proof of.
  19. Don't you think that is any bad, a friend of mine was doing his incredible sheep impression on the entire duration of Daemonen... Well, I would've said something goofy too, but it was snowing... How many of you have ridden a B&M when it's snowing, huh, huh, HUH?
  20. I really don't hope Robb will post his entire list here... My current count is 23, and I hope to have it on atleast 50 at the end of this year.
  21. I'd never get a job that required me to answer phonecalls - It's like a magnet to imbacils. I do not have any good stories to share right now, but I just felt like slipping in a comment. Hey, CoasterFanatic, was that guy trying to rob you or something?.. Really lousy attempt...
  22. I wonder how many G's that loopscrew pulls... It looks kinda funny in any case, and I know that he will kick up the motor and give a ride if you make your way by, if you just tell him beforehand. And it IS a credit!
  23. Well, Europe isn't overcrowded with american fast food/drink shops 'cept Mac D, and I have yet to see a Starbucks on danish soil. Though I found a Subway some months ago in inner city... Say, does Starbucks serve Ice Coffee? In that case, I need to travel over there and try it. I really love that stuff...
  24. This kind of "bid for a first ride" happens every year? I've never seen any of it here in Europe! If they filled all the seats, so each ride was reasonably priced, I'd probaply do this. I enjoy doing charity work, and getting something for the money seems like a great deal to me!
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