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Everything posted by gax

  1. I love the whole thing of Disney in florida, first you have the main entrance Then you get to magic Kingdom: Then of course: I just love the whole anticipation of it.
  2. i think could work really well, jsut depends if they match the level of themeing there currently. just a quick question ( i scanned the thread to see if its been asked but didnt see anything) Does anybody know when abouts the construction would start, i ask because i dont want to miss out on anything at IOA when i visit in easter!
  3. Thats a nice looking little park. I'd love to go on that coaster, looks really fun!
  4. Scream! I forgot about that! I read that it was a 'parking lot coaster' on here but i didnt quite understand what it meant until i saw a picture, and it just looks stupid, they could have at least got rid of the white lines!
  5. I voted Katun, I think it looks really nice. I also really like something about Talon's. It's not particularly spectacular, but I think they look really nice. http://www.rcdb.com/ig735.htm?picture=12[/url]
  6. Just a bit of fun for the closed season. I did search for similar topics but didn't find anything, so sorry if I missed one! Just wondering what people think the best and worst themed B&Ms are. From what I've seen most B&Ms are really nicely themed compared to other coasters, but which is the best and which is awful?? I'd say that the best was probably either Nemesis at Alton Towers, or Black Mamba at Phantasialand. And the worst I'd say is probably Mantis at Ceder Point. It looks nice but doesn't actually seem to be very well themed.
  7. Probably can't beat any of those amazing American parks, but here's Flamingoland, before it got rid of it's beautiful Schwarzkopfs!
  8. Kumali is really nice, especially with the new landscaping theyve now done of the ride, the area has some plants etc. in now They've also painted the entrance rock which looks awesome: http://www.flamingolandguide.co.uk/photos/270806/270806001.jpg http://www.flamingolandguide.co.uk/photos/270806/270806002.jpg Personally I've always thought Tizona at Terra Mítica is really well themed; http://www.rcdb.com/ig1799.htm?picture=29
  9. Hey, I have a similar thing happening this year. In three months time I'll be spending 8 days in Orlando, and this is how I've palnned the trip. As you all have more experience than me any recommendations would be very much appreciated! Day 1: Islands of Adventure Day 2: Magic Kingdom Day 3: Busch Gardens Day 4: Seaworld Day 5: Animal Kingdom/Epcot/MGM Day 6: Blizzard Beach Day 7: Universal Studios/IOA Day 8: Any of the things in disney parks I have left to do.
  10. I got mine about a week ago, really good dvd! I've watched about 5 times! It's cool to see TPR going to parks that I go to all the time in the UK. The dvd was really well put togehter, good music choices and really good footage. Really worth the money, I look forward to the next one! thanks!
  11. Alton Towers Animal Kingdom FL Busch Gardens Tampa Disneyland Paris Drayton Manor Epcot FL Flamingoland Islands Of Adventure Legoland Windsor Lightwater Valley Magic Kingdom FL MGM Studios FL Seaworld Orlando Universal Studios Orlando Walibi Aquitaine Walt Disney Studios Paris Wicksteed Park
  12. yeah it is! I think it rumoured that they'll be removing a good flat for the chaos though, which is a shame because it doesn't increace the amount of things to do there by much, as I probably wont go on the little carousels! Yeah lightwater does have a small inside bit, its full of smallr ides at the moment but I suppose it could be all changed. There are a couple of unused grass ares that could be built upon as well. And yeah, It is the only chaos in the UK as far as i know. The only one I've ever been on was at a little park in France.
  13. That’s not necessarily true. A lot of my friends and I used to write in shorthand on msn conversations, forum topics, text messages etc. etc. But now absolutely none of us use it at all! When writing a text message I NEVER use shorthand, I hate the look of it and I think some of it's cringe worthy to read! But when I look back 3/4 years ago and I was on theme park forums saying "wot is air @ alton twrs sposed 2 be themed lyk?" I laugh at myself! And I've just slipped easily into writing normally! But your point is very good, I remember reading on an Alton Towers forum about when it was only ever enthusiasts sending letter/phonecalls/emails to the park asking about future developments, and they ALWAYS got a good, detailed reply. This created a bond between designers and enthusiasts, which now seems to have been broken, because the park gets 100's of emails a day asking "Y DNT U BUILD A 500 FOOT ROLR CSTR??” They now barely ever reply to emails and the connection seems to have been lost, and think you all hit the nail on the head to as of why it is.
  14. Just a little update on the new rides. but before I post it I just wanna say I read my original post and I do sound a lot more negative towards the additions than I meant to. The only thing I think is wrong with them is the THREE carousel rides they are adding, when one would be fine. I didnt mean to sound like I was really angry about it! Anyway, heres somepictures of the rides they are getting from when pleasureland had them: Chaos: http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/chaosb.JPG http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/chaosa.JPG Dodgems: http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/dodgemsa.JPG http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/dodgemsb.JPG Camel Carousel (this actually looks pretty cool, its not actually a 'carousel ride'): http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/pleasurelandd.JPG Animal Carousel: http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/carouselc.JPG Boat Carousel: http://ukrides.info/col/pleasureland/carouselb.JPG So yeah, on second thoughts, after seeing the picture, the new rides all seem pretty cool!
  15. ^yeah it was awesome. Preferred it to the Florida version.
  16. It looks pretty tiny from there, however there is a HUGE hotel complex which you can tsee on the photos.
  17. I'm not saying it was a totally BAD move, I just think that THREE carousel rides is a bit much. The park is really small except that land around theultimate which they dont build on, and while it's a really good idea to buy rides cheaply, and great that theyre getting a chaos, they could spend more money on something else, even just park improvments, instead of three similar rides. This year the park wasn't in great shape. According to the guy who runs the parks main attraction 'The Ultimate', it breaks down every day! and most of the coasters have to use gas cans in the backs of the cars, making queues huge! Also all the water is dirty! The once beautiful lake now looks horrible! Finally, the park has been getting rid of good rides in favour of little rides like this for years. They got rid of the viper, a great coster, but then replaced it with a cool mini frisbee. good move. But then they got rid of batflyer, their only ever properly themed ride! They replaced it with a cheap kiddie coaster, which they already had one of really similer! Then they got ride of the log flume, and replaced it with a coaster that is barely ever running! I just think they should concerntrate on making the park better for what they have, instead of adding five new rides, seemingly for the sake of it, as they have got 3 carousels anyway now,and soon will have 6!
  18. Flamingoland-20 mins Lightwater Valley-35 mins Alton Towers-2 hours
  19. Either Nemesis or Air at Alton Towers, cant quite remember.
  20. I've only recently joined this forum and found these phots on my computer the other day. Theyre allt he way abck from 2005 but I thought I'd post them as its the closed season, and DLP hasn't really changed much in 2 years! So basically I was there with my mum and dad for a two day trip. I thought i'd taken more photos but turns out I can only find these, here goes! Disney Studios looks wierd from above. My Hotel! You get really amazing views from the balloon! Planet Hollywood doesn't look as cool from the sky... This Magic Kingdom is a really nice looking park. Cool view of Disney Village! I never realised how big this hotel was! Ooh look! McDonalds! So before we left we took a ride on the new hot air balloon. You get some great views of the park from here! Here we go on the tram tour. (I'm sure I took photos whilst I was on it but can't find them) This is a nice little park. I can't remember what ride this was... It's like really being in Hollywood! Water Tower coolness! Here we are at Walt Disney Studios So space Mountain 'Mission 2' wasn't as good as the original, but it was still fun! Looking a bit happier now! Look how excited I am to ride! (and why do I look about 5!?) ...but Space Mountain's prettier! Orbitron's pretty... Hmm, what to ride, SM or Orbitron?? I love the look of the mountain! yay! Discoveryland! Upside down space mountain! 5 minutes! Go go go!! More cool theming. Damn Disney for making this go forwards again!! This looks so much more creepy with a camera flash on it! Pirates of the carribean! I love this ride. I love the theming in this place! scary skull! Why do all the Disney Trees have wierd coloured leaves? Next up, Adventureland! My crappy attempt at a POV picture! Look at all the happy smiling faces! 20 minutes is actually a really short queue for this ride. The kids pissed because he's too short to ride. Yay! That's next! oooh. spooky! 'Phantom Manor'. My personal favourite of all the disney haunted houses. yay for taking random photos. Overview of 'Thunder Mesa' The great looking skyline of the area. First up, Frontierland! woooo! cool old style taxi thing! Here we are! This is definetly my favourite disney castle!
  21. 2007 should be a good year for me! As i live in the middle of yorkshire I usually only get to Flamingoland and Lightwater Valley, but for 2007 Ive got a big trip to florida planned, inluding seaworld, busch, disney, universal, and any extra little places along the way! Then soon after that im visiting Alton Towers, and finally disney in Paris later in the year. Interspersed with lightwater anf FL it should be a fun year!
  22. True, but as I said I think the chaos and dodgems are good additions. I just think getting three carousel rides seems to be a waste of money when they could save up for something big in the future. I live really near this park, so I go a lot, and it used to be really good to visit, but its gone really downhill, as it keeps investing in loads of little, second hand, unreliable things, rather than maybe waiting and buying a big flat like a topple tower or something, which would really improve the place.
  23. Lightwater Valley is buying 5 rides from the now defunct Southport Pleasureland for the 2007 season. Three of them are just crappy little carousel type rides, including some type of viking boat carousel ride (which I think utilises water in some way), a 'camel carousel', and finally an 'animal' carousel. Sounds...exciting. Getting a bit better, the park is replacing it's current dodgems with a new dodgems ride, which is four times the size of the old one, apparently. And finally the 'big' new ride, they are getting pleasurelands Chaos, which, in Lightwater whcih is pretty boring, should be a welcome addition!
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