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    • Back in 2020/2021 there was talks from the park that was even on the news that they were restoring the Bat Mobile and it was bringing brought back to the que line where they recently redid the Bat logo. Is that not happening anymore?
    • I would go earlier but either is fine. The tradeoff is crowds vs staffing. Late August is dead, but smaller rides may not open or may open late, Gemini probably won't race if it opens at all, food lines might be extremely long with many places closed, etc.  
    • Dang I feel all special that someone cares about my Cedar Point thoughts lol.   But seriously thank you. You guys have all been so nice to me     im still having trouble deciding middle august (night rides) vs last week of August in terms of crowd levels. If fast pass evens it out I’d prefer to go earlier. But If rides are literally a walk on late in August because the kiddos are in school…. Tough choice. Any personal experience?
    • Makes me wait in anticipation even more for Six Flags to put its stamp on Cedar Fair.
    • Not sure if anyone else from here made it out, but Holiwood Nights was a great time this year! Rainy weather almost all day Saturday helped keep the day crowds away, and ERT for every ride was walk-on except Voyage which had about a 20 minute wait all night. Only got one Voyage night ride, but the countless Thunderbird and Legend rides made up for it. Good Gravy is super cute, especially the queue! Glad it was a part of ERT as I wouldn't want to wait more than 15 minutes for it, but glad there's a solid family coaster in the lineup now.
    • It's actually kind of cool the Joker parts are being driven through the park.
    • Alright, so yesterday was pretty dang awesome.  The park was a bit slow to wake up with a bunch of coasters being closed until 10:30/11am or so, but once things were in the groove it was smooth sailing.  Crowd levels had waits at 15-30 minutes for most everything.  Operations could use a little work as I noticed every single coaster stacking trains, though.  Still, every coaster that had the capability to run three trains WAS running three trains.  Stacking or not, that's appreciated.  Hate to see that go-get-em attitude disappear once the Six Flags merger completes and we're down to one train being half-loaded. Coasters - Orion - Hoo buddy, this one surprised me.  This bad boy RIPS through the layout and has some damn good airtime to boot!  Definitely a front seat ride, though the back ain't bad at all, either.  The wind in front, though, is the cherry on top. Diamondback - The airtime on this ride is legitimately scary.  This isn't standard B&M floater air but instead it's "bucking bronco trying to send you into Kentucky" air.  Back seat is best. Mystic Timbers - Fast and wicked ride through the woods with a phenomenal first drop.  Tons of laterals and some nice air pops.  The shed is a complete waste of time, effort, and money, though.  Back row is intense, especially getting ripped down the first drop. Banshee - Holy hot dicks from hell!  I had absolutely NO IDEA how great this ride is.  I'd heard the good reviews and I've seen the POVs but lawd almighty this monster is completely different than I was expecting.  It rides like a mid-90s Beemer!  Forces out the yin-yang on every element, especially the batwing and second vertical loop.  Back row is is my fave, if for no other reason than that first drop.  Best ride in the park alongside... The Beast - It's The Beast.  It's one of the greatest rides on the planet.  It also has some truly awful trims in the first bit (first drop, second hill, and the long shed) but after the long shed it returns to the incredibly wild run through the woods we all know and love.  The trim before the helix has mercifully been moved to the top of the hill, so now you hit the tunnel full-bore and go screaming around that bitch like a bat out of hell.  All hail the king, especially in the front row. The Bat - I love this ride, even if it does have a horrible location compared to the rest of the park.  IIRC, back in 2003 it was much more visible and accessible with SoB in the area.  Instead it's now a relic hiding behind a 5-mile hike with an entrance hardly seen at Banshee's exit.  Damn shame, because this is a very fun and fast suspended coaster. Racer - Third row has some great airtime on this classic.  Fun stuff! Backlot Stunt Coaster - Great launch and helix, boring everything else.  Slowest line in the park. Flight Of Fear - Closed most of the day, broke down when I was entering the UFO.  Didn't ride. Adventure Express - Packs a punch!  I love me a good mine train and this one didn't disappoint.  Ride it in the back to get the real janked-out experience, ya jabronis.  This ride is great. Invertigo - Pass.  I rode Two-Face when it was at SFA.  I'm good.   Other Rides - Boo Blasters - Yeah, this has seen better days.  Cute enough and an easy way to escape the sun, but the guns hardly work and there's a large amount of broken effects. Delirium - Fun ride but after riding a larger version it didn't feel as wacky. Windseeker - This was my first Windseeker after riding many Star Flyers.  Let's just say there's a reason these haven't been built in a while.  Star Flyers are a much simpler mechanical ride and much more reliable.  This was also pretty uncomfortable, for some reason.  Good view, though. Blue Ice Cream - Yummy yummy in my tummy.  
    • That was Tony Clark and testing was seen one night also. Been pretty silent since and also saw that the testing might of just been on one car to see how the new parts hold up. might hear more this week.   
    • Hmmmmph. Another very VERY RAINY weekend, here. I wouldn't be surprised if Playland closed early today, because of the torrent of rain (almost like a monsoon, truth!) falling now. So I skipped this visit. Hopefully we get back to the sunshine kind of day we all love, next weekend, lol. 😎
    • Palindrome lift hill complete!! Pics from Matt (VP of park operations at COTAland) (also in these pics, the black tracks for Circuit Breaker - the park's Tilt Coaster - also on site already.  
    • I did read that the Cedar Point president (or some other very high up if I am remembering exactly who wrong) did say recently on a radio show that this would not be an all summer issue, but I am still surprised to see any movement this quickly from how it sounded.
    • I wonder if it's all the trains or if its just one train so they can test make sure it will work before they manufacture the rest. 
    • They were testing TT2 for several hours last night. Even had water dummies on one of the trains. Might be opening sometime real soon. 
    • Thanks for the response! That gives me some hope! lol
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