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Dubailands first coaster! ( well sort of)

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My sister in law lives near he Dubailand site and casually asked if I had sen the new roller coaster. Of course I hightailed it up there to get some photos.

Here they are.


And some sort of, big man sat down and dolphins, thing.

As soon as I can get closer you will get more pics.



they also seem to be building some Elephants there as well.


It is mighty impressive though.


At least that is what I assume it is, I could no get close enough to see where the track went.


Ahh, of course, its n top of the Dubailand sales centre. Its just a full scale mock up


has it stalled in the loop?

is that track not a bit sharp?


This looks amazing, Hang On.


OMG, there IS a coaster over that hill!


I was reliably informed that there was a coaster sitting over this hill.

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I have to say. It Does look like real track but a wrong layout.

When I can get closer I should have more details. However I know money is no object to this project so they could have bought real track and erected it themeselves. Does anyone have any contacts in the industry that might have sold such track?

As this is only the sales centyre, I think the actual park might be quite special,

Getting quite excited out here now!!

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On my way out last night I managed to drive round the back. Sadly I didn't have my camera but here are a couple of shots from my phone.


After the loop the track disappeared into this hole. It IS big enough to fit a train through. the other end appears to come out of the building.


The mountain looks quite good as well.

More to come as soon as possible.


a giraffe!


still dont think it is real though.

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What I can't understand is why a park without any coaster will invest money in buying an expensive coaster model, instead of buying a real coaster, even a little one. And when people reach this park they will look for a running coaster and will found out there isnt any coaster to ride, this should be bad for the park not to say misleading.

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^ Are we not talking about a preview centre here. I remember seeing some amazing awesome artwork (I can’t find it anymore at this moment) where you could see several coasters on it…

Talking about this project. Any opening dates know?

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  • 10 years later...

At first I was wondering if maybe they had a different relationship to the human biophysiology in Dubai (similar to their relationship to the freedom of press or religious freedom etc.), but then I realized that it would be highly unlikely that all snapshots of the coaster would be taken with the train just exiting the loop


Something about it made me think "Thriller/Taz Texas Tornado/Zonga" as well. Probably the circular loop.

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