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Ive been keeping my eye on that lens. Its pricey but DAYUM the quality is incredible. Simply incredible. But I agree. Its like there was no winter because I was at the Toledo Botanical Gardens and I swear I saw plants that still had fall leaves and such. Pretty strange. Just glad I dont have to drive my car in snow anymore...Summer Performance tires in snow = absolutely no traction.


Which reminds me, I need to find a good spot to take some hot car photos...

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I really am loving it! I have been nothing but impressed with it. My dream camera was the 7D + 5D2 combined into one, and Canon not only delivered that but even better. AF system is simply incredible. I seriously have not had an out of focus shot yet with this camera that was not user-error. It can basically AF in near darkness (to the point you can't even make out detail in viewfinder) and is extremely accurate in servo. The 6FPS is a nice increase in FPS and is perfect for me. The high ISO is amazing and will really benefit my shooting in the fall at all the parks for Halloween when I am shooting at f/2 or faster at ISO 6400 or 12800. Having the ability to comfortably go up to 25,600 now is even better. So I am excited for that.


It was a pricey upgrade, but in the end was worth it. I am extremely happy with it!

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Ugh, I will probably have to look into one next year! Though I dont think Ill ever abandon this 7D unless I go to a Mark1 simply because I do so much sports/moving stuff. Im really anxious to take this to CP with the 8FPS since I really like to work with panning shots and see what kind of gems I can get. an extra 2 per second should increase the keeper rate and the overall AF system in that is far better than my 40D which I did pretty well with.


Going to be a fun summer. I have an autocross event in just over 9 days. Going to be working on long shutter shots as well as exercising that 8FPS.

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From Pittsburgh Aviary... Shot ISO 6400 and 12,800 mostly (a few lower, but very few). Loving the performance at high ISO!


6M3C3320 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3333 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3376 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3389 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3242 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3258 by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3270 by invertalon, on Flickr

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I had a feeling it was with that lens. But the 1.4 you still get some incredibly sharp shots.


That Version II is almost impossible for any other lens to live up to right now with the exception of maybe the 100mm Macro L. Thats an incredibly potent combo, 70-200 II and the 5D3. Not sure in the right situations that can be beaten.


Oh well.

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The 70-200 II takes TC's incredibly well. I see very little IQ loss with it even wide open. One of the big reasons I sold my 300mm f/4L IS when I bought it was because the IQ was near identical to the prime, even with a TC. The 300mm did have a killer MFD though. I have been toying with the idea of picking up a 2x TC to try out with it, buying it used for a good price and selling it for what I paid if I did not like the results.


The 70-200 is a really great lens, I really enjoy it. I do think other lenses have just as good of resolving power though, like the 135L which IMO, is neck and neck with it. With the added benefit of allowing f/2 also which I like. But the zoom does have 4-stop IS which is great. But it is much heavier, which does not bother me that much though in the end. The protech straps do wonders for taking the load off compared to the standard Canon straps (suck).

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And the 135L. Totally forgot about that lens. Im not in the market for primes yet so I always forget about that thing.


Protech eh? I will need to check that out...the 100-400 is a beast to the tune of 3lbs.

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Nice panning shots ^ They are difficult to do well as slow shutter speeds.


I stopped the Zoo Monday for about an hour and half. Was really dead and nice to walk around nearly alone without anybody in the way.


6M3C3419.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3453.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3506.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3446.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3426.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3521.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3438.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr


6M3C3507.jpg by invertalon, on Flickr

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That is too funny how he always chills out like that. He looks so relaxed and comfortable!


Yeah I was surprised as well to see the Koala out and about. Right after I took a dozen shots of him or so, he went down the tree and kind of hid... I am guessing to sleep some more.

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