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Photo TR: Six Flags New England - Training Night

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Alright, tonight I had the privilage of being invited by Alex to go to to training night from 6 - 8pm tonight at SFNE. A night where the employees can strut their stuff and such. Alex got the invite from one of his friends who works there so big kudos to whoever he was.


Anyway! Let me just start off by saying that SFNE has made a drastic 180 in customer service and atmosphere. When pulling into the parking lot, there were a lot of parking lot attendents directing the cars and when you passed by, they all smiled and waved. That brought a chill down my spine because I never experienced anything like that before at this park so it was really odd.


Btw, side note, here's what you'll be subjected to when you visit SFNE.


- Random High-fives from cheerfull employee's

- Random moments of dancing infront of the Looney Toons Emporium

- Cheers

- A lot of talent (funny ones at that too, I couldn't stop laughing over the movie star lady) She was a riot!

- Random Employee's wishing you a "Happy 45th Anniverary!"


Back onto topic, So Alex and I were allowed checked out the Catapult, Cyclones' new queue, Skycoaster, and then we went over to Splash Water Falls area to check that out, and I gotta admit they did a nice job. The SWF station is a nice change from PSP's station.


Also during our time in the park, we noticed that Superman, Mind Eraser, and batman, were all running two trains. you heard me right. Two trains. When we rode Superman, their was only four of us in the front car and that was it. On Batman, three riders. And they still had two trains.


I really think that SFNE is going all out and maximizing capacity for all the coasters.

Now we gotta see how everything plays out for the remainder of the season.


Also, the parking pass doesn't work in the preferred parking area.


Now for some photos


Floats for parade

Banners for the 45th anniversary of SFI

Random acts of cheering

The hilarious movie star.

The new stairs and walkway up to Catapult, Cyclone, and Skycoaster

New Signage. Btw, Skycoaster is now called Taz Dare Devil Dive....and Batman: The Dark Knight is signed as...Batman: The Ride.....Only on the directional posts, not on the ride itself.

New Park Map that's more accurate

The new expanded midway area next to SWF

New area for Skycoaster. This is where you'll purchase the ticket to ride and suit up.

Better view of the area.

Skycoaster now boasts a Scissor lift instead of the moveable stairs.

Nice new signage for Cyclone! now it's an American Classic. This is the new Entrance and Exit of Cyclone.

Inside the new queue. The new queue will have historic signs on wooden coasters.

Hmmm, where is the queue going......

The Regular Queue and Flash Pass Queue.

Cyclone station got some paint.

The old Exit tunnel was completely taken out.

The new load side of Cyclone, looks like this setup will better control the traffic jams compared to the original side.

You can really see the before and after of the painting process for cyclone

Former Joker's Wild building

OMG, nightwing is running!!!!

SWF's very nice station

Better change than PSP

SWF Queue Entrance and sign

I think that's where the stage is going.

Looks so empty without colossus

Inside SWF station

Colossus sign is still there! Then maybe they didn't take it out!


and finally, random acts of dancing.

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The new load area for the Cyclone looks great. That single file load area was something that stuck out as not making a lot of sense when I was up there 2 years ago. Are they finishing it's painting through the year, or is that waiting until next off season? Too bad about the Ferris wheel...every park should have a good Ferris wheel.



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Just to play devils advocate...It's training night. If it's really "training night" for the employees, of course every employee is going to be there! And of course they are going to be doing their best to try and impress management/practice the new guest service measures. That's what a training night is for, no?


Come to the park on July 4th weekend, when I'm sure it will be PACKED, and see how they are doing for a true test of how the park has improved...if it really has.

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Where's SWAT dude?! I thought they had that up already. Don't tell me it's still in pieces in the parking lot.



It only ran TWICE for media day on thur... I asked Mr. Yankee if it was open today.. he said no..




Canobie "Maybe in 8 hours ill be in line for it...." Fan

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Where's SWAT dude?! I thought they had that up already. Don't tell me it's still in pieces in the parking lot.



It only ran TWICE for media day on thur... I asked Mr. Yankee if it was open today.. he said no..




Canobie "Maybe in 8 hours ill be in line for it...." Fan


Yeah, Catapult is all up and running and such. What they were doing last night was testing it to fix the programming of it. Also, the reason why I don't have any photos of it, was Alex and I were requested not to take photos of it testing when we got our exclusive tour of the new north end area. Since technically the park hasn't opened yet. But tomorrow I can take pictures of it.

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It was installed in 1978. What I'm saying is it may be a sign for a new wheel, made in 1983.


That sign was always there. It was the old sign for colossus that they didn't take down completely. You can see the cobwebs behind the old lettering which is a sign it's been up for a while.


2. Oswalt? I thought Vekoma made that thing... Craig, James, any other SFNE fanboys can clarify?


Yeah, I believe it was Vekoma

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A few comments:


-The load/unload swap on Cyclone actually brings it back to the original setup from when the coaster first opened. It wasn't until the early/mid-90's when they added the queue house around back that they swapped sides. It's been the horrible traffic flow nightmare since then. I'm glad to see that someone finally got some sense and put it back the right way.

Now, if only they could do something about fixing B:TDK's woefully inadequate platform...


-They took out the Penis Tower?!?!????? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!



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