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SFOG Ninja 2006 pics

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Does anybody have or know if there are any pics of this coaster? I rode it a bunch in Summer '04 when i was going down to visit my cousins and enjoyed it a lot and thought it was a lot of fun (especially the butterfly loop!). I heard that it looked really good and all with the bright red track and now black supports. Please post links or the pics themselves if you find them.

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It could be posible for it to open Saturday. They could finish the last 2 or 3 supports tomorrow and probably have it open by Friday. But, don't they have to test it first? I still don't understand. Not alot of people ride Ninja yet, they spend money on it to make it look good. It might be an attempt to draw people back. But sooner or later, everyone will realize it's the same,old ride. Also, why did SFOG add new parachutes to the GASP the year it was going to leave?

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After you think of how much money the park makes...a couple of parachutes means nothing. There is too much work for it to be completed by the weekend. Although they are the same old trains, there are a lot of rumors of new wheel assemblies. If so, there is a lot of testing that will need to be done before opening. I definitely believe the May 1st date. I wouldn't want to get anybody's hopes up because I am 95% sure it will not open this weekend.

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I don't understand why only some of the supports are black, while others are still white. I hope that this is just a pic of the supports partially finished.


Nope they are leaving it like that.


Ninja will open soon.. very soon. Sooner than May 1.

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Yeah, they were the same.



I doubt they'll put new wheel assemblies on them, maybe new wheels, but that won't do much. I wish they'd buy new trains like these nice ones from KumbaK:




They also have pretty good contact with the track from all three wheel positions, which would help. I'm not sure if they are spring-loaded, but it would help.

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I am 100% positive they are the same trains. I talked to some people high up in the park and they said that the final days of painting ended yesterday. They are now working to make it a smoother ride by replacing the wheel assemblies. It will open 4/15.

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