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Thrill Shot at SFMM......

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I didn't find it all that thrilling. It was fun, yes, but I won't be all that sad to see it go. And, I did it on lvl 4, when they did 2 launches (did they always?).

"Totally Insane" as it was called was supposed to be the craziest level of the three seat rotating settings (there were 4 actually, but zero the seat didn't move at all), but the crew always felt they got it wrong and that number two was the best, the "Really Insane" one that kept your seat flipped forward as you hit the bottom and went back up for the bounce. I had the rotating timed better, because while you're kinda thrown off by the weightlessness at the top anyway, then your seat suddenly pitches forward and you're facing the ground; the "totally insane" one was a bit more random and you didn't even stay facing the ground all too long anyway.


The real secret was to ride on "really insane" (switch setting #2 for us employees), look straight up, and not hold onto anything. When the cart would launch up, all you'd see is blue sky and the tops of the towers flying away, and you wouldn't know when it was going to stop.


We usually did do two launches, but there were some Saturdays that just got too busy to keep doing it, and it never was an official procedure or required practice......mainly depended on who was working that day.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, crazy news here, Thrill Shot actually is NOT doomed, and will try to re-open by the end of May! Tower A doesn't have a sheive wheel right now, but that's because they were out for inspection or getting new ones or something, but the rumors of reopening sound serious.

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  • 5 months later...

I haven't been to SFMM but I have rode an S&S Sky Sling, The ErUPtion at Frontier City in Oklahoma. For such a small park, I thought it was the best ride. The restraints were AWESOME! It would have been better if it wasn't so tight. Anyway, the Sky Sling rides remain my favorite. Did Cedar Point's actually fall? Where can i see more details?

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