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Six Flags Magic Moutain or a lesson in posting here....

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I went to SFMM for the first time years. It was a cool park but I think it needs some work. Not the coasters, but the park itself.


All the stuff at Samurai Summit is so faded they should paint it to make it look way better.


Ok so on to my trip...


Everything was open to start with, and this is the shocking part... There were no lines! I started on Revolution then Viper, Batman, Ninja, Riddlers Revenge, Psyclone and there was a huge wait for Deja Vu. I say "Nope" so then off to Colossus we go.


I heard it was rough but I was very unprepared for how very very very very violent of a coaster it was.


I was very very very shocked, so we took a 10 minute break and bought a very expensive soda.


Then I went on Scream! It was very fun and is the best floorless coaster I've been on.


Then I finally rode Goliath. I heard it was good and it was the fastest, smoothest coaster I've ever been on. The forces on the helix...holy crud, sooo powerful!


Was the highlight of my trip is X you ask? At the end it was ok, but it was short and not very intense, but still fun.


So that was my trip. I hope you enjoyed my trip report, and if you have any news about Six Flags getting a new coaster, please post it!


So there ya go....be happy! :orangesmile:


ADMIN EDIT: OMG, I had to do so much work to make this post legible...

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Ok, I hate to do this, but I just HAVE to use this post as an example.


First of all, if I was a teacher, this post would get a big fat F


You can see in my edit above that everything in CYAN had to be edited.


I'm not trying to be mean, but if you can't spell, can't use punctuation, can't capitalize appropriate letters, and can't write sentences with good structure that make sense, don't post here.


When we have 11 year olds that are perfectly capable of making GREAT trip reports, there is just no excuse for posts like this and these will be deleted. If the user does not improve the quality of their posts, the account will be deleted.


In short, you cannot post here if you can't write legibly.


It's that plain and simple.


--Robb "Thanks for understanding." Alvey


ps. Just for a frame of reference, here is the original post below. Please DO NOT post anything that looks like this...EVER!!!!


I went to SFMM for the first time yea it was a cool park but the park i think needs some work not the coasters but the sutff around the coasters all the stuff at samuri summit is faded they suould paint and it wood make it look way better. ok so on to my trip every thing was open to start with ok this is shocking there were no lines :orangesmile: so i stared on revolution then viper batman ninja riddlers revenge psyclone and then a huge wait for de javu so i say noope so then colossus where to start i hear it was rough but i was very unperpared it was a very very very very violent coaster i was very very very shocked after a 10 minute brake and a very expensive soda i went on scream! it was very fun it is the best floorless coaster ive been and may i add very smooth it was a good ride and long too. okleydokley so then i finally rode my coaster Goliath i heard it was good lie it was great the fastest feeling smoothest coaster ive ever been on may i add the forces on the helix holly crud soooooooooooooooooo power full i almost and as it sound the highlight of my trip is X you ask? at the end it was ok and all but short and not very intense but fun ok so that was my trip i hope you enjoyed my trip sorta so if you have any news about six flags gettin a new coaster poast it so there ya go be happy :orangesmile:
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"Everything was open"...are you sure about that :?

Its good to hear that deja vu is back and running again.

(Its been kinda scary seeing as how its train was gone for a long time.)


Michael " I also tried to read this earlier and just thought, I'll wait till Robb does something with it " Thomas

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^ LOL! Dude, yeah, we stopped counting it as a "potential open" ride about a year ago. Kind of like Metro and Sky Tower.


I think it was Al from SD the other day who said, when asked by his daughter "what about that blue one over there" responded "That's a statue!"


I almost died laughing!!!



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Hell they could probably move Flashback to Elitch Gardens here and it would still be smoother than our Boomerang... I haven't ridden Flashback but I can't imagine anything being as rough as the boomerang here... Seriously imagine 3 hits of whiplash when you hit the chain lift portion. Yeah I have no idea how it hits you 3 times but it manages to suck that hard.


Oh BTW Robb thanks for the edit. Your comment on it is hilarious though. All people should grab Firefox and install Spellbound.

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  kenshinmac said:
Hell they could probably move Flashback to Elitch Gardens here and it would still be smoother than our Boomerang... I haven't ridden Flashback but I can't imagine anything being as rough as the boomerang here... Seriously imagine 3 hits of whiplash when you hit the chain lift portion. Yeah I have no idea how it hits you 3 times but it manages to suck that hard.


Oh BTW Robb thanks for the edit. Your comment on it is hilarious though. All people should grab Firefox and install Spellbound.


^ People shouldn't even have to do that! Its a simple process that takes only a few seconds to do. (Spell check that is)


Anyway, I would like to see Flashback up and running again at SFMM. But I really don't think thats going to happen. The last time I was there they had put up actual boards around the whole ride! It used to just have a simple rope across the enterance with a "Were sorry that we suck at running our park. This ride isn't open for your lust of pain" But anyway, that means that the park must have noticed it was still there. So they're are either working on it...or more than likley preparing for it to be torn down.


Michael "Damn! I should have rode it when I had the chance" Thomas

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I actually liked Flashback when it first opened. I think the ride can be made good again, especially with the nice new B&M restraints that they use for their hyper-trains.


I don't think it will be back at SFMM anytime soon, if ever. But, if they aren't going to use it, tear it down, expand HH and let some other park have it.


Same goes for Greezed' Lightning up at SFMW. Put it somewhere for God's sake!!!

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Yeah, the lesson is not to post again, the lesson is get BETTER at posting! You are more than welcome here as long as people can read your thoughts!


--Robb "Is the worst speller in the world unless I have spell check turned on!" Alvey

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Yeah I would love to see them do something with Tidal Wave (I refuse to call it Greased Lightning... What a terrible name). I hate to think of any ride just sitting and rusting. Of course at least it wasn't scrapped like other Six Flags rides... I mean seriously there are Six Flags parks that need rides! Ours for one.


Truth be told though I am hoping for a Screaming Squirrel or maybe a Maurer Söhne X-Car. I would love either.

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