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game: would you rather

major woodie

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I'd rather get hit by the roller coaster.


Would you rather ride Iron Dragon with lap bars or Iron Dragon with new Vekoma suspended coaster trains (like on Freedom Flyer,Kvasten, etc...not SLCs!)?

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I would rather ride the surfing-themed Gerstlauer spinning coaster.


Would you rather ride Kingda Ka with lap bars or Maverick with lap bars?

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I would rather be blind, because I think if you're blind you can still ride roller coasters, whereas if you're a paraplegic you can't.


Would you rather ride Invertigo forward or backward?

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Fried garter snakes...


Although deer nuts may be cheaper. While fried snakes are about $5, deer nuts are *snort* under a buck!!!!


Sorry. I had to say that.


Would you rather ride LoCoSuMo backwards or Thunderation backwards?

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I would rather be stuck on top of MF. Less chance of being struck by lightning.


If you could go back in time, would you rather ride the Aeroplane Coaster or the Riverview Bobs?

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Steel Phantom. I haven't heard anything bad about that ride.


If you could go back in time, would you rather ride XLR-8 or Big Bad Wolf?

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Would you rather hav mee spel evrythin rong or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop or have me talk in an infinite loop

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