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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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JLBM Update:

The new concrete floor is done. It is nice and smooth for the ride. On January 5th, the work building the walls for the different rooms/areas of the ride will begin. On January 29th, the installation of the ride system and other elements is scheduled to begin, with the walls being almost finished. Luckily, the installation of the track & thematic elements will happen fairly quickly as they are all finished and ready to be installed. Everything looks great!

At this rate, is there any chance of having it open on opening day?

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.


Building on December 16th.


Concrete and floor of building on November 2nd.

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.



thank you for sharing these photos! That is simply awesome! The reuse of this building is incredible to see. The second photo is that the path from Scooby still?

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.



thank you for sharing these photos! That is simply awesome! The reuse of this building is incredible to see. The second photo is that the path from Scooby still?

Yes. Before the new concrete was in, the old Scooby path was filled almost completely with dirt. Even the existing concrete was very uneven and unsuitable for the new ride, so they've actually done a lot in the past month.

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.



thank you for sharing these photos! That is simply awesome! The reuse of this building is incredible to see. The second photo is that the path from Scooby still?

Yes. Before the new concrete was in, the old Scooby path was filled almost completely with dirt. Even the existing concrete was very uneven and unsuitable for the new ride, so they've actually done a lot in the past month.


I would say they have done a crazy amount of work in the past month knowing that!! Thank you!!

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I would say they have done a crazy amount of work in the past month knowing that!! Thank you!!

You're welcome, but for me, the weirdest part was driving through DC Comics Plaza without the huge Scooby mansion facade.


In other news, the Palace Theater is getting renovated this off season. This will restore the outside of the building and put on a new roof, which will cost as much as a pretty nice house in the area.

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I would say they have done a crazy amount of work in the past month knowing that!! Thank you!!

You're welcome, but for me, the weirdest part was driving through DC Comics Plaza without the huge Scooby mansion facade.


In other news, the Palace Theater is getting renovated this off season. This will restore the outside of the building and put on a new roof, which will cost as much as a pretty nice house in the area.


Its about time, its only about 20 years overdue

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I would say they have done a crazy amount of work in the past month knowing that!! Thank you!!

You're welcome, but for me, the weirdest part was driving through DC Comics Plaza without the huge Scooby mansion facade.

So what does the front of the building look like now?


Also thanks for the pictures. Great to see that progress is already being made.

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.


Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Please keep us updated!

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Will it actually be "revamped" or is the roof simply being replaced?

The roof is being replaced. There will be some other parts being renovated that you won't notice. However, the entire theater's facade is being redone. A lot of the white trim, especially, is in need of some work. There are also some other projects in the park that haven't started work yet, so in case something changes, I'll keep you updated once the work is actually starting.

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^What are some of the other projects?

Also will Batman ever have it's queue redone? I know there has been talk about it but I haven't heard anything official.



The 5 minute walk when there is no line is how I get my exercise.


Seriously, there is no need for all of the winding around at the beginning when the line, as far as I know, never even comes close to reaching that long. A shorter, more direct line to the ride would be great.

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Not sure if anyone has ever done this, but the other day I searched "Six Flags Over Mid America" on youtube and found some very interesting videos including one that was an almost 18 minute slide show from a 40th anniversary employee reunion. It had some really cool pictures in it. Also found a Batman Nights video which was supposed to be from our park.


We're not allowed to post youtube links? Right?


This brings up a couple questions for me:

When did the themed uniforms disappear? It looked like each themed area had separate uniforms.

Where was the screen for the Batman Nights production located? I couldn't make it out being dark and all.

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Batman Nights was presented for I think only one season (1993), the screen was on top of the arcade building (old sky-way station) next to the Joker boat. There were "fight scenes" on top of the buildings with Batman and other characters I think, this was before Batman: The Ride was built so the area didn't have any of the Batman set themeing yet.

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^What are some of the other projects?

Also will Batman ever have it's queue redone? I know there has been talk about it but I haven't heard anything official.



The 5 minute walk when there is no line is how I get my exercise.


Seriously, there is no need for all of the winding around at the beginning when the line, as far as I know, never even comes close to reaching that long. A shorter, more direct line to the ride would be great.


A few times during Fright Fest the line was backed up almost to the entrance.

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.


Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Please keep us updated!


Were all the switchbacks being used also? I doubt it as that would make like a three hour wait.

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We're not allowed to post youtube links? Right?

When did the themed uniforms disappear?

Where was the screen for the Batman Nights production located?

I've never heard anything about not posting youtube links, but there is a youtube video imbedding tool at the top when you post.


I'm not sure when the uniforms disappeared, but yes, each area had their own uniforms that were laundered at the park itself in the huge wardrobe building (to the left of the train as you exit the maintenance shed). I do know that the park spent $600,000 per year on the costumes alone, which was the main factor leading to their replacement.


Just to add to what SFZIP said, Dave Roemer actually mentioned it the other day. He said that they would use a lot of fog in the plaza, and there were mirrors placed on top of the buildings in the area. Although the lasers came from that central location, they would reflect off the mirrors making it look like they were coming from all over. The fog only helped with making the lasers very visible.

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^ This is the only picture I have from today. It's hard to see much from this picture, but you can definitely see the new concrete floor. There are a lot of small pipes sticking out of the ground in different areas for different electrical lines. I haven't seen/heard any indication of why it won't be ready for opening day. I'll be back in January with a more in-depth look once more vertical construction starts happening. The newer animation of the ride is really cool. It shows how each individual ride vehicle moves in the different rooms in front of the different screens. With doors separating the rooms, there will be minimum bleeding of light/audio from scene to scene. Also, there will be seven screens in the ride, even though some earlier reports said five.


Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Please keep us updated!


Were all the switchbacks being used also? I doubt it as that would make like a three hour wait.

While I'm not 100% sure, I'm almost positive that this is true. There were a couple days, some of the busiest of the last couple years, that had the longest lines I've ever seen. One Saturday night, I saw Mr. Freeze's line taking up all of the extended queue switchbacks backed up to the turn at the bottom of the small incline from the bridge after you cross it to get to the ride.

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