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Going to Australia


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was picked to goto a meeting last month because of being picked out of thousands of people and it was down to 100 people at that time, I took an interview a few days ago and I just got notice that I was one of 30 people picked to goto Australia next summer.


When I was first notified I asked "Are you sure you have the right phone number?"


Robbie"Wow how cool is this"Milburn

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You are go to have the time of your life, Sydney is such a great city, heading north into Queensland from the coastal rainforest into the desert at Charters Towers and then onto the amazing Great Barrier reef at Cairns and then north into the Daintree Rainforest.


Enjoy, will be such a great trip.Have Fun..






Ride the world’s longest gondola high into the rain forest and see 40-foot ferns

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Good for you! I've been to Australia a few times, and you're sure to enjoy it. Sydney Harbour is really beautiful, and the bridge climb is fun without being excessivly physical. Cricket is...erm...different.

You might not get a chance to visit the theme parks in and around Brisbane, but the city is clean and pretty nice.

Cairns is also great, (though the airport is stuck in 1975). The snorkling and diving around the reef is amazing, though it isn't quite Nemotopia, but very alive, even though heavily tourist-raped.

Skyrail is good, and the falls near the town at the end (Kuranda?) are cool. It is a bit odd though, with two gondolas and four stops, two with meandering boardwalks.

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I was picked for this program in 9th (?) grade.. didn't go, it was WAY overpriced IMHO. I love traveling and all, but what they were asking was a good 25% (probably closer to 50%) more than what I could pay for the trip if I did it on my own.


I hope you love it - other than the price the program sounded awesome and I'd love to go to Australia!!

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Hey Robbie,


I got picked for one of these programs too. However, I'm going to China, in late July/early August, which sounds really interesting for me. Now, I just need to learn some Chinese... and mentally prepare myself for the 14 hour flight from LAX. (And I still have to get LAX from here, in Bettendorf, IA.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Australia is awesome!! The people are friendly and the cities are nice!! I don't know much about their theme parks. I think they may be a little behind in the coaster industry compared to the U.S. But you may find some good rides, there. Who knows?

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Sydney in June will be cold, probebaly in the mid teens celcius (60 degrees farenheit), though somes days it gets up to the mid twenties (80 degrees).


Not much on the coaster front in Sydney, there is a wild mouse at a park called Luna Park which is at the northern foot of the harbour bridge. South East Queensland has got all the coasters (nothing spectacular compared to the US) ranging from the new Superman rocket, an Intamin reverse freefall, a custom Vemoma SLC, a really tame Arrow looper, indoor wild mouse, to an old corkscrew.


Hope you enjoy Sydney, we will try to be on our best behaviour.

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