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  1. You're right about the lack of airtime on Kingda Ka. I rode El Toro before I rode Kingda Ka, and I thought to myself, El Toro's drop is less than half the size of Kingda Ka's drop so how will I even survive it. But honestly, El Toro's drop felt longer, steeper and scarier since my whole body lifted off of the seat. It was just absolutely amazing. Also, the inclines of those hills are so steep that the transition between going up, over and down at such a rapid pace makes the airtime so much more intense.
  2. I have to add that the drop right before the twister section is insane. Talk about airtime.
  3. I went to Six Flags the other day. I finally got to ride El Toro and Kingda Ka. I have to say that El Toro is slightly better overall than Kingda Ka. Kingda Ka is awesome. It has the speed and the height, but there is something about El Toro that edges it out. Perhaps it is the first drop. The first drop on El Toro is actually worse (in a good way) than the one on Kingda Ka. The airtime is unbelievable. Also, El Toro is just relentless. It does not stop from beginning to end. You can't even judge the speed and airtime by the videos on the net. The ride is tame compared to how it really feels once you are on it. I have to say after riding all of the coasters at Great Adventure, El Toro is the best.
  4. Those pictures were awesome!! Looks like you had a great time!! Hopefully, one day I'll make my way over to the U.K., and try out some of those rides. Spinball looks insane.
  5. Since this ride has a lot of ejection time, is it safe to wear glasses? I read somewhere that some guy's cellphone flew out of his pocket. I've been on a bunch of roller coaster and never has anything in my pocket flown out, and this includes rides with inversions.
  6. Thanks for the review. You gave a great comparison. Very detailed, too. One of the things you mentioned was the speed going around the first bend. I just took a look at that youtube clip of the coaster going down the first two drops. You're right, there is a lot of speed going into it.
  7. It seems like there is a lot of debate on which wooden coaster will rank as number 1 or at least in the top 5 for the 2006 season. The Voyage from Holiday World, is battling it out with El Toro. The Voyage has an advantage because it opened up earlier. But now that El Toro is up and running, has anyone been on the two to give a comparison? Let us not forget about Balder or Colossus.
  8. Thanks for the link. It just happened that I stumbled upon it afterwards while searching through the pages. This ride looks AWESOME!!! If there is any plus to living in NJ, then it may just be this ride!!
  9. Is there anyway possible that someone can post a POV of this ride? I am really looking foward to riding it.
  10. Maybe I wasn't looking closely enough, but it didn't appear that Nitro was circled. The coaster on the far right was Medusa, correct? If so, where was Nitro? I'll look again. Woops, I just realized that you meant those were all the coasters in the pic, not the park. Nitro, Batman, and Skull Mountain were behind you.
  11. That was very cool!! It seemed like they had a nice variety of rides. I like the log flume ride. You don't see those much indoors. I've been wanting to head to Great Britain. That video has inticed me even more.
  12. Australia is awesome!! The people are friendly and the cities are nice!! I don't know much about their theme parks. I think they may be a little behind in the coaster industry compared to the U.S. But you may find some good rides, there. Who knows?
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