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they had to build it in the middle of nowhere because building it near Minneapolis and whatnot wouldn't have allowed the reasonable ride prices. Long story short, nobody rode it and the owner went bankrupt. It was sold at auction, and it went to a land where used US coasters are bountiful...the land of...

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...The Great Escape. It fit very well right by Ozark Wildcat, yet being the Great Escape, if you were filming an off-ride video, some GP tweens would try to act cool. Hey, it's Lake George, what else do you do. However, Six Flags' lack of maintenance and relative disregard for the park caused operations to make Fujiyama look like Phoenix. So when Theme Park Review came...

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...someone saying "It's made of wood! It's not safe! I'm going to destroy it before it kills anyone!" Sure enough, he went to CGA and burned down Thunder Run, which caused...

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Burn down Grizzly and Gold Striker. The GP flooded the streets of San Francisco and chanted "Ouch, my back!" They burned Apocalypse, Ghostrider, Roar, the Giant Dippers, and even though it was a hybrid, the burned down Twisted Colossus! The FBI had to do something, so they..........

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...eventually a group of coaster enthutsiasts teamed up to try to turn all of the Marine Corp Training Camps back into their original parks. They were successful, but Six Flags America remained a training camp because...

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