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The Park that TPR Built (RCT3 Edition)

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  • 1 month later...

^ It could use some work. It wont even fit into the park.


I added a coaster called Vampire. Very well themed and scenery is that of a castles.


But if you want to see more of Vampire, you have to download the park.


PS-If you want to add a ride, try not to add a coaster, we only have 3 other rides than coasters. And if you are going to add a coaster/ride, make sure its themed, and has a decent amout of scenery, instead of just some random bushes.


PSS-Start saying WIP!


Overall view so far. Remember to add thrill rides, and not to block off the paths!


Wonder what could be inside?


Vapire's castle

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^You didn't say WIP, read the first page and you'll know how to play.


Because I have Soaked, if I built a park without any Soaked rides/scenary could non-soaked users still open the park?


YES! I have Wild and Soaked, and you will know (if you have Wild) is that they will have shark or tiger pictures next to them. If they do DO NOT use those items or rides.

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Okay,here is a more modest coaster, This is a GCI-esque twister called Acid Rain.


Check it out.


You can start your own thread about this. This is for the community park. If you would like to participate, please, feel free to. Just read the first page before you do.


Also, is anyone want to work on it now? If not I'll go again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Twister can't play because he has Soaked and Wild, and it does not matter if he uses the scenery or not, it will not work for those w/out the expansions. This is for the people without the expansions. Look on the first page, and you'll see that they had the same problem w/ mine.

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