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WHo would ride the Crystal Beach Cyclone

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OK...so I have a copy of 'Harry G. Traver: Legends of Terror' by Richard Munch. The CB Cyclone is, without question, the star of the show when it comes to Traver. What's interesting is that when the book came out in 1982, we didn't have GCI or any builders who were making the kind of snaking track transitions that Traver used, so viewing Traver's work was to dream of a day when modern coasters would revisit these kinds of elements. As Traver's last stand, The Cyclone Racer at Long Beach, was lost in September of 1968 (torn down for being ugly? and replaced by a boat? Ugh.), the number of people who have actually ridden a Traver are dwindling, photos are becoming more scarce, and information is, as is want to happen, becoming exaggerated, changed, or misquoted.


Due to the detail of information and research, I consider this to be the most accurate view of Traver's legacy, as it includes a Foreword by June Traver Schetterer, Traver's daughter. Probably hard to find, but worth a read for any enthusiast.


Munch has several wonderful photos in the book (from various contributors including Robert Cartmell), which, BTW, was published by ACE and was to be the first of their 'Designer Series', but I don't know if any other books were completed after that. In the late 80's / early 90's, ACE was really the only go-to for coaster info and photos, as we were pre-internet, and I'm kicking myself for losing track of my newsletters and copies of RollerCoaster! magazine.


Of course, we all know about all that, so I'll shut up and throw a pic from the book up; I don't want to raise the ire of Richard or ACE for copyright, but it'll give you an idea as to the extreme banking that put Traver so far out in front of the times, and why riding ANY Traver would be an absolute gift.


Side note: my mother was pregnant with me (early stages) in 1968 when she rode the Pike Racer. Does that count as a credit?

Legend? Yes. Deservedly so? Without question.


From 'Harry G. Traver: Legends of Terror' by Richard Munch. Image from the collection of Robert Cartmell.

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Course I'd take it for a ride! It might be intense as hell, but I can't imagine it not being fun.

My exact thought process before hopping on any Vekoma... Realistically, if it's as bad as the descriptions state it being, then I'd easily skip it. A modern take on this layout would definitely be something worth traveling to experience, though!

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