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"Welcome back riders, how was your ride?"

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X2 at SFMM, people are usually goo goo for that ride BEFORE it leaves the station too


Tatsu sometimes BEFORE you leave, but never AFTER the game cause dispatch is so slow and you lose all your energy hanging there waiting to get back in the station.

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^I say that counts!


Banshee has gotten plenty of pretty excited riders coming back to the station, as well as Diamondback when they have some pretty entertaining ops running it. I think Diamondback's post-ride cheering will last longer than Banshee's though.

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X2 at SFMM, people are usually goo goo for that ride BEFORE it leaves the station too


Tatsu sometimes BEFORE you leave, but never AFTER the game cause dispatch is so slow and you lose all your energy hanging there waiting to get back in the station.


Actually, last time I was there (it was my friends first visit), out of all the rides, he actually noted at X2 that nobody entering the station looked like they were having a good time. We then proceeded to have a rougher than usual ride.


As far as So Cal parks, the only ride I can think of that constantly has mega-happy guests returning to the station is Space Mountain at DLR.


At Six Flags Mexico, people are cheering and clapping coming back into the station on pretty much every coaster, but that's because Mexicans know how to have a good time and enjoy themselves.

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