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XYZ's Last Visit to SFMM! (Photo TR) BONUS PHOTOS Posted!


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Anyways, I have a lot more photos of Magic Mountain that I didn't share, so do you all want to see these photos?


Absolutely yes!


By the way, how did they manage to make Apocalypse suck that quickly When we rode it back in February it was probably the best ride in the park after Tatsu.

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I am serious, on my way to SFMM, a car accident happened right in front of me.






Yep, Toyota really has a lot of work to do...






More signs of previous greatness-ness.






Have my Cedar Fair merchandise with me? Check.






Superman: Escape from Krypton and Comes Back to Krypton after 10 Seconds for Superman to Burn and Die like the rest of the Kryptonians.






Bendy Poles! Is this Full Throttle's theme?






This sign should be placed on the front entrance.






At least you have something to look at when your legs are killing you.






I bet you that this will be the station of the next coaster.






Food Etc. had to have a cameo in this.






I don't like this show at all.






Full Throttle's gang sign?






No, this did not come from Six Flags New Orleans.






This is the 2015 ride of Magic Mountain. You heard it first from me!

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One of the best trip reports! Ok, the best TR I've ever read! Amazing job!
Great trip report!
Can I vote this XYZ guy my TPR MVP so far this year. When he comments, I laugh!!!!!





Are wooden Coasters just not good for SoCal? I hear a lot of complaints about Ghostrider, Psyclone (SFMM, prior to demolition), and now Apocolypse. Or is it simply the way they are cared for?


GhostRider and Apocalypse are both shells of their former self (especially GhostRider), while Colossus and Giant Dipper have OK layouts.


It would be sad and pathetic if it wasn't already so sad and pathetic...the park, not the TR...which just makes me think that they are never going to get it or get it together...perhaps WCB should be KBF and a park TBD instead from here on out...I'd even drive to San Diego for Sea World at this point...


If there was a WCB at SWSD, I would definitely come.


By the way, how did they manage to make Apocalypse suck that quickly When we rode it back in February it was probably the best ride in the park after Tatsu.


Apocalypse was great in early 2013, though it just got rough in such a small amount of time, which is sad. It was my 3rd favorite coaster in SFMM back in spring while it is my 7th favorite coaster in SFMM now.


Sebastian, you need to waste all your money into going to random theme parks so we can get more Photo TRs like this.


Maybe I should start a kickstarter on this?


I am slightly confused, but still somehow impressed.


I think this update was even better. It almost made me miss SFMM. Almost.


Confused, but impressed, I think I did this trip report well.


Please do SFOT's TR when you visit that park!


Just can't stop laughing


Unfortunately, I'm not going to SFOT anytime soon.


:lmao: I'm loving this.
You sure beat EvanAJ's SFMM TR a couple of years back.



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