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Flat rides you just don't see at theme parks.

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Keep in mind a lot of carnival rides - Zipper, Rock o Plane, etc. have very limited capacity. That could be a reason many parks do not have them.


Some I would like to see:

Huss Booster

Huss Flyaway

Zamperla Air Race

Zamperla Super Spin

Zamperla Energy Storm

Zamperla Zodiac


HUSS FlyAway is one of the worst rides ever created.

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^Canada's Wonderland's is a Huss Skylab, just like the one Kings Island used to have. The only American Fly Away installation was at Six Flags New England, which has been removed.


Also Lagoon in Utah has a Zamperla Air Race. Still waiting for a park in my neck of the woods to install one.

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^ I have no idea what ride you're talking about. Care to elaborate?


Well, the Zipper was designed with mobility in mind, that's why it's shaped that way. And more than any other ride, people strongly associate it with fairs where they're used to paying a dollar or two to ride. Who would be excited at the thought of paying $30-$60 to get into a park and have the same experience? And as most people will tell you, part of the thrill is wondering if it's been properly maintained despite all the rust all over the place, and if the door that's keeping you inside won't suddenly brake apart mid-ride. Even if the one in a permanent park is spotlessly maintained, it'll still LOOK sketchy, just through societal conditioning. Kind of like how the tilt-shift effect makes pictures look miniature even if they're not?



EDIT: Ok I totally misread your post. I'll actually answer your question in my next post.

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^ I have no idea what ride you're talking about. Care to elaborate?


The Matterhorn is a ride that's very similar to the Musical Express. I thought they were synonymous but apparently they are not. It happens that the one at the fair I go to is actually called The Matterhorn. I wish I knew the manufacturer but sadly I don't, I'll take a picture and post about it next year if I remember. Can you set your cell phone to remind you of something in eight months?

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The worst flat ride I've been on at a fair is a Larson Fireball. They look good, but the ride has no G-forces so you just slam into the OTSR's while riding through the loop. Glad I've never seen one at a theme park.


I've seen them at Lake Winnie and Wild Waves

There used to be at least one at one of the Jersey Shore parks

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The worst flat ride I've been on at a fair is a Larson Fireball. They look good, but the ride has no G-forces so you just slam into the OTSR's while riding through the loop. Glad I've never seen one at a theme park.


I've seen them at Lake Winnie and Wild Waves

There used to be at least one at one of the Jersey Shore parks


I'd probably never ride one again. It was a painful and slow ride.

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I have to agree with the Zipper, its pretty hard to find one at a park. KMG rides too, they're common to see at carnivals, but in parks, not so much.


Chance's Revolution was designed by KMG, based on the brochure from Chance's website, so while it didn't come from KMG directly I guess the ride could be accredited to them. Dorney, Hershey, Knott's and CGA have this model.


Martin's Fantasy Island has teased that they are getting a new thrill ride next year and it is rumored to be KMG Speed, which is like one of those Skyscraper rides.


Dorney's Revolution taken June 2005

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Keep in mind a lot of carnival rides - Zipper, Rock o Plane, etc. have very limited capacity. That could be a reason many parks do not have them.


Some I would like to see:

Huss Booster

Huss Flyaway

Zamperla Air Race

Zamperla Super Spin

Zamperla Energy Storm

Zamperla Zodiac


Isn't there a huss flyaway in cleethorpes in the UK?


Personally since I love a top scan on a great cycle i've always wanted to see a park get one of these: http://mondialrides.com/rides/transportable/inferno

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^ I hate that Revolution ride. It takes so effing long to load, and it's so lame compared to pendulum rides like Fandango at Knoebels.


I actually like the Chance Revolutions. The Claw at Hersheypark is one of my favorite frisbee-style flats anywhere. The only one better than it in my opinion is the absolutely insane Technical Park Street Fighters.

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^ I hate that Revolution ride. It takes so effing long to load, and it's so lame compared to pendulum rides like Fandango at Knoebels.


I actually like the Chance Revolutions. The Claw at Hersheypark is one of my favorite frisbee-style flats anywhere. The only one better than it in my opinion is the absolutely insane Technical Park Street Fighters.


I don't know what I'm missing, to me these rides are just never worth it. The experience from frisbee rides where you face outwards like Fandango and MaxAir aren't even on the same planet as these rides.

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