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Carolina Bay Amusement Park [RCT3]

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Hello it's me Troy Boughton again i'm taking 2 months break from posting at Canada's Dreamland now here's the new park i like to introducing is

Shot0000.bmp It's owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.Shot0214.bmp That's the main entrance of the park.Shot0215.bmp That's the ticket boothShot0216.bmp This is the area called South Carolina Street.Shot0217.bmp The ice cream shop is being built.Shot0218.bmp This coaster called Y.Shot0219.bmp This is Drop Tower Scream Zone.Shot0220.bmp This is the waterfall and see you soon.

Edited by mcjaco
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Y has no exit pathway. Your main entrance isn't really a main entrance. Your ticket booths are hollow. Your building on South Carolina Street has no roof. Your waterfall is made from a piece of concrete.


Finally, Cedar Fair already has a park in the Carolinas. It's called Carowinds.


I'm locking this thread. Work on your park for a week or so then come back and post about it. It looks like you slapped this park together in a half hour or so just so you could post it here.


I know I'm being really mean, but the only way for you to get good at this game is to work at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I changed my park name into Kings Empire and I redone my park

Shot0258.bmp Here's the SC StreetShot0259.bmp The view of the lake and Batman Knight FlightShot0260.bmp Here's the area called Coastal TownShot0262.bmp Here's another view of Batman Knight Flight and Grave DiggerShot0265.bmp Here's the Patriot a screamin swing rideShot0266.bmp Tidal Wave coaster Vekoma SLC coasterShot0267.bmpHere's the turn of Red Hawk coasterShot0268.bmp Here's the lift of Red Hawk is the tallest, fastest, longest, and meanest wingrider roller coaster in Southeast

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Is your park still a Cedar Fair park? If it is, don't use the Batman name. It's owned by Cedar Fair's rival company, Six Flags. It's your park, but if you're going for realism, I wouldn't use it. Other than that, your park has potential.

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It's owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company.
i'm not using Cedar Fair
These quotes are both your words, no? You're confusing your audience. If Carolina Bay/ Kings Empire was bought by another company or not, inform the readers. If its a sister park of Kings Dominion and Kings Island, then I would suggest staying away from Six Flags and its brand names (i.e. Superman, Batman, etc.) for a realistic approach.


Don't read this as an attack. This is merely an observation and suggestion. You have potential

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i'm not using Cedar Fair

Ok, thanks. I was a little confused. Still, for realism, I wouldn't use the super hero names. But, again, it's your park. I do like the layout. Can we see an overview?

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A new coaster is coming to Kings Empire for 2013


A new B&M Floorless Coaster will be opening in May 2013, first you'll go out of the station and experienced a twist before you climb 150 feet tall lift hill and then you'll go down a small hill take a small right turn before you dropping 145 feet and then you'll face a 140 feet loop is going to be a 3rd tallest loop in the world beat Dominator loop record at Kings Dominion and then you'll experience a Zero G Roll and following by a Cobra Roll and then a small airtime hill and then a small short break run before you'll facing two corkscrew and you'll go down a tunnel before brake run and returned to the station.
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Shot0289.bmp Hello, Welcome to the 2013 season at Kings Empire, there's several changes this year.Shot0290.bmp The Y coaster logo and entrance.Shot0291.bmp Y trains is getting ready for take off.Shot0292.bmp Here's the view of Atlantic Motion.Shot0293.bmp WindSeeker is slowly dropping into the surface.Shot0294.bmp Here's the view of Thundersnow's Cobra Roll.Shot0295.bmp The Scrambler is removed during off season, making room for 2014 attraction and I heard is will be HUSS Troika.Shot0296.bmp View of the Parachute Drop and Thundersnow.Shot0297.bmp Here's the Thundersnow's entrance, which the coaster is closed today, it said that the Thundersnow coaster will be open next weekend.Shot0298.bmp Thundersnow's queue line.Shot0299.bmp Thundersnow's trains.Shot0300.bmp Thundersnow's rocky tunnel and is really dark.Shot0301.bmp Thundersnow's twist before you go into the lift hill.Shot0302.bmp Thundersnow coaster is dominated the skyline of the park.Shot0303.bmp Batman Knight Flight's entrance building and I heard it will be change by next year.Shot0304.bmp Arial view of Batman Knight Flight and Grave Digger.Shot0305.bmp The view of Drop Tower and have a good day.

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Batman is a Six Flags name, not Cedar Fair.


The hill after the cobra roll but before the MCBR on Thundersnow is too shallow and will produce extreme forces.


The name of the thread has not been fixed.


Various spelling and grammatical mistakes.

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Shot0307.bmp Hello,its September, where entering the park.Shot0308.bmp The Broadway is crowded today. Shot0309.bmp The foundation of the new ride has been poured.Shot0310.bmp Thundersnow is closed today for no reason.Shot0311.bmp It's noon, almost guest is getting Boardwalk Fries for snack.Shot0312.bmp Red Hawk's exit path has been cut, due to the new ride.Shot0313.bmp It's evening, Red Hawk's line is short, that's awesome.Shot0314.bmp This stall serves cotton candy.Shot0315.bmp Batman Knight Flight at night, is about to change next year.Shot0316.bmp WindSeeker, flying high into sky at night.Shot0317.bmp Thundersnow lighting a whole coaster at night.Shot0318.bmp Even, Red Hawk has lighting at night.Shot0319.bmp Alright, well this is the end of 2013 season and the announcement for the new ride will be tomorrow.

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That just because Cedar Point has 3 B&M coasters Wing Rider, Stand Up,and Inverted.

Why is there a Batman when Cedar Fair has no rights to the name? Also, Cedar Point has plenty of other coasters as well, not just those three.

Don't worry, i'll rename batman in 2014

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  • 3 years later...

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