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Well thats a relieve, and if I was trying to be dramatic I would of said that Atari installed virus's onto our computers that could be released at their own will which ate all our files and tattoed traitor on our foreheads. And removed the limbs of our first borns.


Well, it wouldn't be very dramatic as it's not very likely, along with the fact that the paragraph is so full of spelling and grammatical errors it would lose any drama it posessed.


Also this post is again posted in completely the wrong thread, although technically it is completely off-topic.

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Not my real entry... since I forgot to save it. And yes it had scenary outside the borders so I removed it and retested it to show the real rating. Very mediocre station and theming, I'll do a proper coaster later.


As this ISN'T a real entry it should be posted in the RCT Coaster Challenge CHAT thread!


Also you cannot submit entries created in Wild! as no-one will be able to open them. Also you may want to edit out that last pic as it violates the NDA.


It is easy to have a Regular RCT3 installation as well as your Soaked! install.

Just install RCT3, copy the folder, then install Soaked!. Make a shortcut to your copied folder and voila! Regular RCT3 as well as Soaked!

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Why is the RCT2 download senario made using Time Twister. I have to make my own senario now. Sigh.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to re-install RCT2 to create the scenario, I'll try and have a base RCT2 installation for future contests though.


At least making a scenario for this challenge is a relatively quick procedure compared to normal RCT2 scenario making.

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Crispy, Pucechan, you should make the next challenge "Read and understand the English language". I visited this thread hoping to see some entries and all I see is people talking, asking questions, and posting pictures of possible entries even though there is a special place for this kind of thing. There is another thread called "RCT Coaster Challenge Chat" and can be found at http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18447


I think this has been mentioned a couple of times by Pucechan. Come on guys, please help him and Crispy out by only posting entries to this thread. It will make their job much harder if they have to sort through pages of comments and entries may get missed.

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I agree with Joanne. Please only post your track entries in this thread and all the other things like questions and pictures of possible entries in the "RCT Coaster Challenge Chat" - Link: see above!

It is really a lot of work for Chris and Simon!



Hey Chris and Simon,

I think this will be one of the best competitions. I am working on my track since a few hours and it is so much fun. I really like it, to build some theming around the track! I think I can post my entry in the next hours.

However, thanks for the whole work, I think it is it worth!



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Ok, heres mine. I used my generic Legend City scenario, and since I couldn't think of a new name, I used the name Arroyo, which I use alot. Its small, but it packs a punch. Quite a bit of airtime for something so small. Ok, enough talk, here it is!





Oh, and sorry about the theming, not very good at theming coasters..unless its one of my hybrid darkride coasters!

Legend City-Contest_Entry.SV6

heres the park

Edited by nissanskyline1235
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Entry #1


Here is entry #1 into the contest. It's called Westward Expansion. What this coaster lacks in size or speed it makes up for in themeing, as you can see it's themed out the wahzoo. Items to look for when riding this coaster are the hidden Native American village, the abandoned house and the gallows, all hidden among the trees. (the abandoned house being the most obvious hidden feature as the coaster circles around it. The 3 mine shafts are left over from when they worked, as is the saloon nearby where the workers could go after a hard day working. The ghost town near the queue area is from when the town was thriving. Everything was abandoned when gold was found more readily further west...thus...the Westward Expansion.


As I said a few pages ago, I think the hidden village is one of the best features of the ride as it's something you have to look for and you don't really see it just riding the ride...kind of like the hidden scenery features in Big Thunder Mountain.

Westward Expansion.SV6





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Entry #2


This is my second entry for the coaster contest. This one I decided to do something different, and I made a kiddie Giga Coaster. This one is very much candy-themed with a twist. in the ride, visible in most of the screen shots, and probably visible on the ride is a hidden cemetery! I figured this would give the parents to write in and complain about that their child is scarred for life. I figured since everyone is doing a regular tall and fast giga coaster, a kiddie Giga coaster would stand out and be unique. so...be sure to brush after riding, or you're bound to suffer a Toothache! (that's, um, the name of the coaster)






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