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Longest Queue and Most Excessive Switchbacks

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1.This is not the longest time you have waited in a queue. This is the longest walk from entrance to station.


2. What is the Most excessive Switchbacks you have seen.


For Me


1. American Eagle (Viper at SFGAm, Mean Streak and Magnum* come to mind)


2. Millennium Force. (Raptor, Mean Streak, S:UF, and Magnum also come to mind)


What about you


*Magnum isn't really long but i found that the entrance and exit were really far apart from each other.

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My list:

American Eagle - The new queue is long, but it's still shorter than the previous one with all the switchbacks which I only remember seeing used once or twice. The old set of switchbacks filled the old circus tent where Kidzopolis is now.

Viper's exit queue

Phantom's Revenge


Flight Deck(KI)

B:TR(SFSTL) - It wouldn't be so bad if it were themed, but it's just in a field.

Mr. Freeze(SFSTL)

Vortex(KI) - It's not that long but rather unique. The queue runs right along the midway before it snakes its way through/around the station.

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Batman at SFOG - the queue seems a lot longer than the other Batman queues I've walked through.

Goliath at SFOG - looks expansive and thankfully I didn't need to wait in any of it when I was there.

Mindbender at SFOG - seems like it has a long winding queue in the woods.

Superman at SFOG - winding up the hill but you get some good views of the ride.


Though hands down it's a tie between SFStL's Boss and Darien Lake's Viper.

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Superman at Great Adventure, there are only 2 small sets of switchbacks so most of the queue is just a long walk to the station. Even without any line it takes a while to walk through it.


Green Lantern at Great Adventure for excessive switchbacks, I know they have been used but the entire set of switchbacks at the beginning of the queue can't be bypassed so when that part of the line is not full, you either have to walk through all of them or climb through an opening (which I don't like doing but if you don't, others will and then you get cut).


Kingda Ka's original queue, I know it was only used for a few months but I remember hearing it could hold a 7 or 8 hour line.

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