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Maintanence Crane Collapses at Scandia (9/2011)

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Didn't see this anywhere on the forums, so I figured I'd share.

The Scandia Screamer, famous for it's no scream policy, collapsed under the weight of a collapsed construction crane this past week in Sacramento.


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A crane set up to perform maintenance on a ride at a Northern California fun park has collapsed, injuring two people.


Jason Ramos, a spokesman for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, said the crane was brought in to work on a ride and fell over about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.


The article can be read more in depth here.




Edited by larrygator
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That may be the icing on the cake for the Booster up there. When I lived in the area, it seemed like there was an article in the paper every week about how the neighbors of Scandia hated it! I believe this is the installation where screaming is forbidden and they will end the ride cycle early if you make any noises.

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...I believe this is the installation where screaming is forbidden and they will end the ride cycle early if you make any noises.


Yeah, it was closed for the last six weeks for their annual maintenance, and then this..

Hasn't had a good thing come of it :/

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The Cal/OSHA investigation shows that incredibly, neither Scandia, nor the crane company it hired, knew how heavy the load was.


Guessed at seven tons, it actually weighed 14 — that’s 28,000 pounds.


“Thats twice. It’s times two. It’s simple,” said Tim Baliel, a crane operator and instructor at A better Valley Crane.



Of course that would happen in SoCal. In all seriousness though, that's shear stupidity. Very fortunate that no one died.

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