Hhappy Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 ^ Yeah, I figured it out. When you "hide" the votes, it says "no votes" next to each option, which I think is kind of misleading. Hanno, do you think you could make it say "Votes Hidden" or just not even have that text at all? Removed the "no Votes" words. As far as i could see there was no seperate option for what to display when results would be hidden compared to normal. As soon as one vote is cast (in a normal version) the results would be in percentage.. so this works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 ^ Yeah, that's a lot less confusing now. I always thought it was a "mistake" that it said "no votes" even though the tally at the bottom of the screen would give you a total amount of votes. Thank you Hanno! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 24, 2011 Share Posted May 24, 2011 I'm thinking that for the next challenge, we give it a name instead of a month. That way we don't have the "April" challenge wrapping up when it's almost June. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted May 25, 2011 Author Share Posted May 25, 2011 That works for me: "Teh Prince Desmond Big Dipper Challenge" (BTW: The deed has been done, and I'm done hitched, y'all!) I'll have some free-time tommorow to purty up the next challenge a bit- and I'll post a copy of the 'park' to the appropriate thread for your amusement. R.D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted May 26, 2011 Share Posted May 26, 2011 We have a winn-urrrr... hyyyper takes first with Countach. Jakizle gets second by one vote with Old Faithful. jarmor takes third with Katamount. And...a three-way tie for honorable mention - Vortechs, Monster Party, and Drac. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Did we ever announce a winner or anything? Are we going to do a mods choice winner? Seriously, guys - I know we are all really busy with other things, but we just CANNOT let things like this fall through the cracks. No one will ever take anything we do seriously if we have a challenge that no one monitors. This was one of my biggest fears of doing stuff like this - people have VERY short attention spans. If you aren't constantly monitoring something, promoting it, posting about it, etc, people will forget VERY QUICKLY and your destined to be a fail with whatever it is you're doing. So please - all I ask is that if you're going to create something and put it out there, stick with it, see it through to the end, and most importantly PROMOTE IT! I think this contest actually did pretty well, but could have been a lot better had it not gone on for so long and dragged out. Elissa and I are about to embark on a lot of very busy TPR trips in a couple of weeks so I won't be around to remind everyone. If we aren't able to follow through on a contest, I'd rather we not do them until I can be around to be more active. It's up to you guys. I'm basically handing you guys the keys to this forum to make it cool! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 This was one of my biggest fears of doing stuff like this - people have VERY short attention spans. If you aren't constantly monitoring something, promoting it, posting about it, etc, people will forget VERY QUICKLY and your destined to be a fail with whatever it is you're doing. I'm quoting this because it's very true. But we're also having a bit of burnout I think with an over abundance of contests. I don't think the NL Contest was run all that well, but I know with the Track of the Week, we're seeing less participation as we go along. The questions are, is it because the contests are uninteresting? Too many contests? To difficult? Time of the Year? We don't have the membership to get a lot of activity? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 I shouldn't have volunteered to spearhead this contest anyway. My work schedule was at its worst as we were approaching the deadline, and I didn't commit enough time to promote it. I suppose that you have to try something to see if it will work. I tried, and for whatever reason, I couldn't make it work. Maybe I should get to writing those tutorials I blathered on about. Put up or shut up, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Robb, just brainstorming..... If the guys in here tell me to update the Front Page, can we then make sure that Eric and Scott just Tweet and update FB with that info when they see it up? I know I keep forgetting to pass on that info to them. Not sure how they decide what's Tweetable, and FB updateable. Everything on the Front Page, or only when they're told? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 31, 2011 Share Posted May 31, 2011 Let me respond to a couple of different things, but keep this in mind... I am not an avid player of coaster sims, so please understand my comments come purely as more of an outsider.... I know with the Track of the Week, we're seeing less participation as we go along. The questions are, is it because the contests are uninteresting? Too many contests? To difficult? Time of the Year? We don't have the membership to get a lot of activity? Personally, I think people want to make roller coaster tracks. While I can fully appreciate branching out to log flumes and rapids rides, I'm not sure this is what people want. The RCT2 track of the weeks where it was just "make a coaster" were much more popular. Like I suggested in the other thread, I would keep these weekly contests VERY simple - "Make a coaster of this type." IMO, the more limitations or restrictions you throw on it, the more you're going to lose people. Let's just try a couple of simple track of the week contests and see if we can get people to bite. As far as how much participation? If we had 10 people per week participating this on a regular basis for a few weeks straight, I would see that as a WIN! And to be honest, when these people see what I'm about to send them as their "bag-o-crap" prize, and if they post about it, I think we'll get more volunteers. But I would think that a goal here would be to find a regular audience with basic tracks, and not until that audience grows, start introducing anything else other than roller coaster tracks. But we're also having a bit of burnout I think with an over abundance of contests. I agree with this - BUT....had the TPR Challenge been monitored and had someone to really "champion" it, I think the perception would have been different. The reality is that we had a "monthly" contest that lingered for more than 2 months. No one is going to care about something longer than about a week. What I would recommend here is the following: 1. Get someone who can be SERIOUSLY DEDICATED to doing a "TPR Challenge." 2. Have that challenge last NO LONGER than 2-3 weeks including the voting period. (you know after 1 day who the winner will most likely be anyway) 3. Downplay the track of the week contest. 4. Largely up sell the TPR Challenge. In TV terms think of the track of the week as being a "regular weekly episode", but the TPR Challenge is like a "Mini-Series EVENT!" If we can get the track of the week into a good rhythm, it will be enough to sustain itself. I shouldn't have volunteered to spearhead this contest anyway. My work schedule was at its worst as we were approaching the deadline, and I didn't commit enough time to promote it. A.J. - Don't ever feel bad that real life got in the way of something. It happens to all of us. But what will help out is good communication. If you feel you're about to go AWOL on something, here is what you do - LET US KNOW! Tell people you need to hand off something to someone else, or at least make it known to us that you can't finish something, so that we can find someone else to do it. No one is going to be upset if you communicate with the group, but people may get upset if you abandon a project that someone was depending on. Life advice here...totally free! Not sure how they decide what's Tweetable, and FB updateable. Everything on the Front Page, or only when they're told? It's really only when they are told. Matt - I'll add you to the TPR Special Projects forum so you can post about stuff to tweet, FB, and front page. Often times I even have been the one to do it myself. Overall guys - one thing to keep in mind....this forum has been the most active it's been in TPR history. We have over 2,000 files in the exchange. It's only going to grow, but I'll be honest, it will be growing on a "slow burn" setting. Don't get too far ahead of yourselves. Keep things simple, don't scare people away with challenges that are too hard. It's like we are still on Super Mario Bros level 1-2 with this whole project, and it's going to be that way for a little while. Keep things going steady and I promise you we'll see more growth. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted June 2, 2011 Author Share Posted June 2, 2011 Wow- I'm gone a week and we have Penis Coaster sex threads etc... The next challenge is almost ready to go- and I'll be driving this one like a nail. (You'll have to wait to see how I'm cross-promoting it, though, as I still have to upload the pics and 'edit' them a bit...) As for the scheduling: I'll be sending out a 'Tweet/FB' schedule to fit the contest; and with it being Prince Desmond, I think it's going to get some additional traffic across the site. I'll drop it on Monday Morning, and get the promotion engine going. Perhaps the week the TPR challenge gets released, we should pass on the ToTW contest? Just a thought- that way we don't end up double-promoting items across the exchange/forum with confusion. Also: Perhaps making sure that we don't double-dip (That is, have a RCT II challenge in the same week as we have a TPR ToTW contest with RCT II). I'll post the 'schedule' for the Prince Desmond Challenge in the RCT II challenge thread tommorow eve for perusal by all; everything else should be up and ready for Monday release- and like the others, a two-week run, day to close down and present the options, and five days to vote in from there. R.D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 2, 2011 Share Posted June 2, 2011 ^ Make sure you loop in Wes with what you're doing so he can post stuff to the Prince Desmond twitter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted June 2, 2011 Share Posted June 2, 2011 I'd also like to do a test run of the challenge itself to make sure it's not too difficult. If you could attach a download to your RCT2 contests post, that would be fantastic. It should only take me a few hours to make a conclusion. Plus, we can make last-minute changes if need be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 6, 2011 Share Posted June 6, 2011 What was the prize that Hyyyper and Jakize get? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djbrcace1234 Posted June 6, 2011 Share Posted June 6, 2011 (edited) http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1029478#p1029478 You'll win:- An AWESOME TPR Bag-o-Crap - A Club TPR Membership - WIth a Club TPR T-Shirt Edited June 6, 2011 by djbrcace1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 6, 2011 Share Posted June 6, 2011 Can someone please contact the winners (I'm going to give it to both of them) and tell them to email me their mailing address. Also, let them know that if they are not a Club TPR member, they can register for Club TPR and I'll take care of the payment part of it, or if they are a current member, they should go through the renewal when their membership expires, and I'll mark it as paid. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted June 6, 2011 Author Share Posted June 6, 2011 being done now- R.D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 Matt, can we get a front page story for the contest voting? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 I'm on the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted February 6, 2012 Author Share Posted February 6, 2012 NL Contest (Feb 2012) info: Trying something different with this one: Instead of having a 'public' vote, we are going to do the selection of the winner based upon percentage points. Basis of game: CPM has bought a bunch of rides, and now needs a small-scale B&M Looping coaster for his park. Due to cost and size constraints, CPM has a limited amount of space- and budget- to build his ride in. The limits of the challenge are as follows: 1.) Track length between 2600 and 3250 feet 2.) Height limit between 85 and 125 feet 3.) Compact design- no Out and Backs or free-form layouts. Ride may be inspired by existing park rides (I.E. Daemonen) but must have a unique layout. 4.) Ride MUST have at least two trains. Additional 'bonus' points for three trains without block stacking. 5.) Ride MUST be plausible: No curved lifts, no launches, no 'boosters' on the course. Gravity only 6.) Entrants may enter up to FOUR tracks each. Points breadown for scoring: 10% Colors/scenery 25% Layout 25% Originality of design 10% Use of Space 30% Desigining to B&M standards (OK: MAKE YOUR JOKES NOW PLEASE.) A total of 100 points will be used to score each track. Aggregate scores will be combined to create a final score. Start date: Immediate Finish date: 29 February 2012 Winner Announced: 5 March 2012 CPM will be posting this up ASAP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted February 6, 2012 Share Posted February 6, 2012 Ready, set, go! Whenever this gets posted, if someone could front-page it, that would be fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted February 6, 2012 Author Share Posted February 6, 2012 It's up and going- Making some 'changes' to it for publicity- and will be sending out an e-mail on it shortly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted March 9, 2012 Share Posted March 9, 2012 I finally had some time to sit down and judge the entrants this time! Hooray! Krios - weird, but I liked it a lot. It reminded me of something that I would make myself. It's under-supported in some placed, mainly the turn after the roll near the wall. That turn pulls 4.0+ G and isn't supported very well. Sunrush - I love the color scheme. However, it's not the most "compact" ride in the world (even though it meets the design criteria). A lot of the transitions are kind of weird, especially the transition from the first inversion to the second. Short & Sweet - my least favorite, and not because it's a hand-build. There's this weird straight section after the MCBR. Also, the train essentially crawls through the layout after the MCBR. Finally, there are possibly some clearance issues, in some sections I'm not sure if it passes the tunnel test at all. Raiva - a very short ride for how much space it took. I really liked the unique shape for the cobra roll. However, it just barely passes the emergency stop test, and I personally would deem it unsafe. Wolf Pack - not the best technically, but it's my personal favorite. There were some issues with the banking of turns (one turn was rolled too much and resulted in over 1G of lateral), and some of the vertex transitions were uncomfortable. However, it had the best presentation, and it fit the criteria the best. Scarlet Rain - I think it's the best entry here. It's extremely tight, it's packed with inversions, and the only slow part is going through the MCBR. It also has good presentation. However, it does NOT pass the tunnel test, as the lift track and MCBR track are too close to each other. Fireball - if failing the e-stop or tunnel test means an automatic DQ, this would be what I think is the best. I really like the tight helix. SO - If failing the tests means a DQ - Fireball, Krios, Wolf Pack, Sunrush. If failing doesn't mean a DQ - Scarlet Rain, Fireball, Krios, Wolf Pack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QueerRudie Posted March 12, 2012 Author Share Posted March 12, 2012 I'm sort of in agreement with you- Scarlet Rain and Fireball both impressed me with the attention to the specifics of challenge. Which one of the two would you pick- as I'd like to announce the winner tomorrow. I could go with either, but I'd prefer to keep it to one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted March 13, 2012 Share Posted March 13, 2012 Scarlet Rain definitely meets the criteria the best. It's tight, it's fun, and it's chock full of elements. In reality, failing the tunnel test in that instance is not a problem because you have the protective catwalk railings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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