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The NL contests thread

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Agreed: I think how you wrote the challenge out in the first place was -perfectly- clear, but somehow the term "Loops" "Like Vortex" and "Arrow" means


"Inversions that might have a loop-like quality to them but aren't really a 'loop" "It can be like any coaster out there, especially if it's not like Vortex" and "We can make it like a B&M, or Vekoma, right?"


(At least that's what two of our members READ it as, which is -sad- really. Interpreting things too far off the mark)


-Real- needs to re-read things a bit clearer next time. One would hope with a name like that he'd be able to realize that Crazy Park Manager wanted a coaster with the Vortex Elements and concept in it....

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Facebook message sent, and notification setup in the thread that Crazy Park Manager wants more entries- and subtle reminders to get moving on the contest.


Sorry for being a bit slow: Who do I contact for the Front Page and Twitter again?

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OK: did some 'background' work on the NL contest to date:


Eight entries- so far- with (what appears) to be around 12 more still to come. All current entries have been 'verified' to be legitimate, and more over, no cheaters/dupe accounts were detected in the current round.


I'll keep track of the entries over the weekend for verification; I'm hoping we don't end up with a ton of headaches like the last challenge- which, personally, sucketh big time.


CrazyParkManager will be making assorted posts over the weekend to encourage people to play- and to enter their rides... BTW- my BF has 'volunteered' (Read: I volunteered hm- he just doesn't know it yet) to be the face of CPM. Hopefully CMP will be able to push more people into the challenges hence forth.

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My thoughts on the tracks -


Valley of Dragons by DRACHEN_FIRE_FAN-BOY - The layout is extremely unique and fun, but the auto-smoother could have been used a lot more. The lift is also extremely fast-moving.


Phalenopsys by matteocrepaldi - Doesn't meet the criteria - it doesn't have a drop of 138 feet or more.


Countach by hyyyper - I really like this one. The track flying everywhere feels like something I would make. The only problems I have with it is that it killed my framerate, and it could have been run through the auto-smoother again.


The Great Canadian Twist by lankanboy101 - Not quite sure what to think about this one. For one half of the ride, it feels exactly like how Arrow would build a coaster, but for the other half it feels like...well, I'm not sure. There are also some clearance issues, and un-realistic supporting.


Drac by coasterkyle - I really like the addition of a cutback after the mid-course brakes. The only huge turnoff of this coaster for me is the random use of tunnels before the corkscrews.


Tropic Thunder by ceddy100 - I like it, but it seems very unrealistic. The supports are also a slight turnoff.


Monster Party by freefallXL - what an example of how people are assholes. Who in their right mind would rank that a 1? That ride is fantastic. The sheer number of inversions seems like overkill, but it's a great ride.


Old Faithful by Jakizle - absolutely fantastic. I really like how the ride has the lift at the very end. The lateral Gs are a little out of control going into the batwing, but that doesn't make the ride any worse. It would be my choice to win the contest, at least on the Editor's Choice side, if we were judging on any other criteria.


Hippocampus by GwaziBSRider1 - this one feels the most like Vortex while still being unique, and is my choice to win. It looks and feels like a classic Arrow coaster of the seventies.


Coaster by gerstlauer1 - I couldn't open the track.


Vortechs by coasterfreak80 - not the best, not the worst. I can't really think of anything else.


Vortest by RCT-Maker - I like that the first half of the ride was a terrain coaster. However, the rest of the ride isn't so good, and I got beheaded a few times.


Vortex by Norwegian Coasterfan - essentially Vortex transplanted onto the land plot. It's very pumpy in places though. Not very original.


SO...my editor's choice rankings would be -


First - Hippocampus

Second - Old Faithful

Third - Countach

Honorable Mention - Drac

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Editors choice for me (My opinion, mind you) was clear: It's Jakizle's Old Faithful.


No other ride in the competition fits -exactly- what Crazy Park Manager would have stated in the original post- and it has the exact feel, ride, and pacing of a good, classic, Toomer-Designed and earboxing Arrow.


The others, in so many ways, didn't quite fit the general description of what the challenge was written as: That is, we had a LOT of B&M'ing of Arrow coasters, and in a few cases, some Schwarzkopfing of Arrows- While I appreciate this to a degree, an Arrow has a special 'pacing' or 'style' of the rides themselves that is completely their own- and it's kind of frustrating to see somebody make something that LOOKS like an Arrow- but rides like a Beemer- thus some of my frustration with some of the entries.


A few of the lift hills also seemed to be operated at light-speed- as in: Linear Induction Lifts like Maverick. Arrow lifts are for the most part slow, loud and jumpy.


So far all contestants have been verified for issues- all passed the checks without any problems- so all are legitimate entries.



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Just as long as hyyyper doesn't win our vote. He's been nothing but obnoxious to us on every trip he's done, and then he goes and blasts us on coastercrazy.com about stupid shit. I don't like that guy at all.

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R.D., if you could set that up, it would be fantastic.


Wednesday through Friday were incredibly time-consuming, juggling an end-of-semester report, moving out of my apartment in Orlando, and getting all of my obligations to WDW cleared. As I write this, I am in a Comfort Inn in Florence, SC, on my way home to Pennsylvania. I don't have a stable internet connection to upload three images for each entry.


R.D., if you have the time, go ahead. If you don't, the earliest I can set it up is Monday afternoon.


To all of you - I apologize for not pulling my weight lately. The last few weeks have been tough, but I hopefully should be totally back on track this week when I get home.

Edited by A.J.
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On it right now.


EDIT - Done.


Have to upload some images for our server...







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So what is going on with this? http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=59150


I gotta be honest, it kind of looks bad that it would appear that we've totally dropped the ball on this contest, the voting, etc.


This is what I was really afraid of. That we would start something, and then not finish it.


In order for something to be a success, we need to have someone champion in, and see it through.


What do we want to do about this?

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It's my own fault. I completely forgot to ask for the thread to be put on the "announcements" tab, because I don't know how to do it myself (if I'm able to).


There are 55 votes at this moment, which isn't terrible, but still short of the RCT2 contest's 77.

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^ Ahh, ok, it actually looked weird to me because the "hide results" box was checked. That's no one's fault because I never explained it, so when I looked at the results, it looked like zero votes....

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It's no problem. I hid the results because I didn't want anyone predicting who would win ahead of time. They'll show up around 11:00AM EST when the poll closes.

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^ I thought there was some weird issues with "hiding results" so we'd never used that....


a bug?? not that i'm aware...


only thing is when adding options for voting the results are reset (aka start over again) but that's about it (i think)

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^ Yeah, I figured it out. When you "hide" the votes, it says "no votes" next to each option, which I think is kind of misleading. Hanno, do you think you could make it say "Votes Hidden" or just not even have that text at all?

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