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Cliff's Adding THREE new Rides for 2005

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:shock: I cannot believe it, I thought they would have totally rested on thier laurels adding a small drop ride last year in the Coyote Howl, But they have added a drop tower and two other flat rides


Here are some pics from the cliff's website




This is the Cliff Hanger




This is the Musik Express





And this is the Falling Star


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Wow! Good to see them adding some new stuff.


I wonder if the drop ride is going in the middle of Rattler's helix. When we were there in 2003 they told us they were going to get a drop tower and that's where they wanted to put it.



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Well I'm hoping they didn't get rid of any of the other rides in the park, The Rock-o-plano is one of my wife's favorite rides.


I am looking foward to the new rides and can't wait to ride the new drop tower

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Well i know the falling star came from Indiana Beach.



Take a look



Here is a shot from the Indiana Beach Website



And here is a shot from the Cliff's website



No question about it, now I know they had or have a music express ride, but I cannot find any pics, so I don't know its the same one


Man Cliff's site and Indiana Beaches site are very VERY simular

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Well I'm glad. When i was in Santa Fe for a week, we went down to Cliffs for a few hours. And it was a Blast! I never knew the New Mexico rattler would be such and awesome coaster. And overall the park was well staffed, and had plenty to do for the day. I don't know but the french fries were the best fries i ever tasted, it might be just me tho.


So will they keep the Coyote Howl?

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I don't know, but it is not listed on the site anymore, but that doesn't mean much, as they only list some of thier rides and not all for some reason


They really need a better website


I can't wait to ride the Cliff Hanger

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Its my old roomate, and my best friend, he had a bottle in his mouth, and I snapped a picture, suprisingly I was able to operate the camera while wasted, as we both were, so that is a fun drunk moment, but its just a drink bottle


and thanks for clarifying the type of tower, mine was a total guess, I have no idea

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Just a few things,, Just because a park users a photo of a ride.. doesnt mean the one in the photo is what you get.. (think SixFLags)


And that drop tower is a Larson/ARM "SuperSHot"tower.. It does NOT launch you up.. They have them at some fairs I have been to. Also they had it at IAAPA.



Its the same style drop tower that Castles n Coasters got last year

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With regards to the Falling star, I was cruising sites and noticed the picture, and looked for info about the ride on the Indiana Beach website, and the ride was not listed.


So I assumed it was from that park


but from what I have heard IB still has thiers, and Holiday World has sold thiers.




One question, do you know how high the tower is?


I drove by, and they kept the Coyote Howl, and took out the defuct Ski Lift, which was partially taken down when the put in the Rattler.

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Yeah why would tehy remove a ride they installed last year? Pay for it then remove it .. makes no sense.


Hopefully they sold the skyride, it was for sale last year as they told us at Spring Con, and yes I think they more or less will put the tower in the Rattler helix, the owners during my tour inside the helix said they would really like something there. That's where we though the Coyote Howl was going to go at first.

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Well my concern was first I didn't ride the Coyote Howl last year, and this year they completly removed any mention of it from thier site


Cliff's park has upgraded, but the website is HORRIBLE


So I was happey to see the top of the howl as I drove by the other day, I just hope they didn't get rid of any of the classic flat rides for the Musik Express

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I never did understand why a park that SMALL would need a ski lift ride anyway, now the SCBB which is a basically a very long strip, the ride makes perfect sense.


I believe the ride was taken down because of the Rattler, but I'm probably wrong

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