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Track of the week contest...


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SoCal has been sent a PM (two in fact). He'll be in touch with you Robb.


He's offered his services in anyway he can. He says school is going to be crazy so, he won't be able to participate in any contests for awhile so this was really awesome to win!




Flume it is.


I'll put a special "cheaters will be fed to sharks and tazed" language in this week's announcement.

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I'll get my tazer ready... Plus my pepper spray, my riding crop and my Barry Manilow CDs.


IF that doesn't work: I'll threaten them with having to watch Judge Judy for 24 hours straight, while a Deaf Siamese cat screams...

Edited by QueerRudie
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OK, I just tweeted about the new contest and posted about it to FB. We would come up with a front page sized banner for Track of the Week.


Does it seem like the contest is picking up more popularity?


Also, do we have another official contest going on? I haven't really seen anyone promoting it too much...

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Also, do we have another official contest going on? I haven't really seen anyone promoting it too much...


We do, but one of the issues I see with that is the Track of the Week prizes have outdone the prizes offered for the "big" contest. . .


I mean, some of these entries for the track of the week contest have been mostly rushed, and crappy in the ways of quality. Some even just provide the track file itself, which is like 30 mins. of work at best. if there is one rule that I would have to argue for is that you can't just post the track file it self, but it should rather be in a "diorama" park to showcase it.

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^ Gotcha.... How about we throw in a TPR T-Shirt for the other contest? Do you guys think that would help with responses?


The other thing, though, I haven't seen any mention of it on our Twitter, Facebook or Front page. That will always "help."

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Thinking ahead to May's Challenge-


I figured a way to really blow things out it with it is using one of TPR's 'imfamous' characters to put some oomph behind it-


Prince Desmond- and teh Big Dipper-


A Scenario has been assembled around Teh Big Dipper, and I figured a set of Big Dipper coasters- and perhaps an autograph by Prince Desmond would get more interest- at least from TPR as a whole.


As for the ToTW contest...


I'm seeing a lot more interest- and 'plussing' it with other RCT II/III and NL track types I think is working quite well. I'm pleased with the outcome so far, despite the quantity of idiots in it...


Once FasTrack is ready, I think we could start to use it to promote the contests with greater interest- I've got two models I'm toying with for it- but still 'tweaking' the final loyalty results...


BTW: I issued Tiger01 a warning today; He's becoming a more persistant thorn in my side.

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matt- Got it covered-


The winner is xDooZx, with his coaster "Diversity" (4.0 out of 5.0 rating)


I'll pass word onto Facebook and Twitter- if you could post the track up when you get 5 minutes, that would REALLY help things out quite a bit.


Next track contest:


RCT III: Schwarzkopf Looping Coaster (Yes, I'm Biased...)



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Ha! I just got a PM from QueerRudie asking me to announce on Facebook that "I like small boys in tight" had won the contest. Thought, I would come here and check on that one.


I should be extra careful when I copy/paste his message over that I don't keep "I like small boys in tight" as the winner!

Edited by ernierocker
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Ha. Ha. Ha.


I've heard of Easter Eggs in software, but that's RIDICULOUS!


(And really, Robb... I don't like small boys in tights. The tights are optional. Get it right, please.)


Good catch, too... on all accounts.

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^ I think so.


Should we double the points?


EDIT: Nevermind about the points. Didn't see the extras as prizes.


I'm thinking we just end it and move on to the next one.

Edited by mcjaco
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