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The Bag-Of-Crap Giveaway Thread!

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Wood or steel?


It is not a water coaster.


What park??


You have to ask more questions before I will give away that much info!


Is it a coaster in the United States? (Gotta start somewhere)


It is not located in Canada.


Is it currently operating?




Does it hold any current record?




What hemisphere, continent, or country? Whichever you think will keep the game going.


It isn't in South America.


Is it over 200 feet tall?



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Would you yell out YOLO while riding it?


If you are a huge douche, yes.


Has it been ridden on a TPR tour this year?


Within the last three years, yes.



Are there inversions on this coaster?




Is the track inverted or normal?


It is not inverted.


Is it in Europe?



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Does it have only one inversion?


No. It does not have have only one inversion.


Is it b&m




Is it produced by a European manufacturer?




Is it in Asia?


It is not in Russia.


Is it manufactured by Vekoma?




Please don't say it's a kiddie coaster


Okay, it isn't a kiddie coaster.

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