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Photo TR: Ghetto Fair.

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Last week my husband and I took the girls to a small fair in a shopping center in town. It was extremely ghetto. Not really much too it; mostly kiddie rides. The girls had fun, though. We didn't ride very much because we didn't want to buy a lot of tickets, and an unlimited ride pass was pointless with so few rides there.


I'll actually have another trip report soon. We're going to Lake Winnie for the first time on Saturday!


Kiddie Coaster


Ally's first credit.


She loved it!




Danny rode it with them. We tried to conserve our tickets, so I didn't ride.


Pitiful excuse for a fun house. Even the kids knew it was bad!


Scrambler. Neither of the kids wanted to ride it.


These cars made a god-awful banging noise as they were going around the circle. We wouldn't let the girls get on them!


Inflatable slide.


Ally climbed all the way up and panicked. She started crying and freaking out. We finally convinced her to slide, and she loved it. She climbed back up and slid two more times!


Ferris Wheel. Again, neither of the girls wanted to ride it.


This didn't have a name, so I dubbed it the slow swings.


Cammy actually rode the slow swings. She's not a thrill-seeker.




Fast swings.


And finally the slide.

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And that was all of the rides? In my town, the only fair is uber-ghetto and consists of a fun slide, octopus, tilt a whirl, and multiple 'slow swings.' Some times there is a built-on-a-parking-lot-in-an-hour-with-nuts-and-bolts-laying-on-the-ground-beneath-the-damned-ferris-wheel.


Anyway, nice pictures of a not so nice place. A really good TR!

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Pretty sad and pathetic, huh? At least this not our annual county fair; just a random one passing through town, set up in a shopping center parking lot. We get a lot of those.


Now the kids are really looking forward to Lake Winnie this weekend.

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Wow. Glad you all made it out all right.


The slow swings look like suspended adirondack chairs.


I would wholeheartedy support a ride with suspended adirondack or muskoka chairs. It would be more comfortable than B&M hyper trains.


Call it...Cottage Flyer or something like that.

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