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Daboia - [NL] POV VIDEO PAGE 5

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After The Red Dragon which focused on being smooth fast and floaty I wanted to make a coaster that had more punch! And what better than a B&M Invert. I experimented with loads of layouts and elements and I finally have a layout I really like, it has some wacky transitions, but it's all pure B&M intensity. It's still in early stages so watch this space.


The theme is based on a deadly Indian viper. The name is hindi for "that lies hid", or "the lurker."


Edited by Richard
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Ok nothing visable has been done, I've just been tweaking the finale. But this is another angle of the ride from the other side of the cobra roll. Thought it was a nice view of the zero-g.


Progress may be slow atm, as I have exams untill the begining of June, but it should be better after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^Quintic is the halfway between Agnesi and Bernstein.


^He might have used timewarping, but zero-G rolls (especially for inverts) are so easy to make and feel just like a B&M, there was probably no need for timewarping. Quintic already provides the perfect feel; even Bernstein can be used for a drawn out zero-G roll like some of the newer B&M's (Patriot, maybe?).

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^ I used time warping for this zero-g there's so many ways to make them. Slightly reduced the tension and change the centre so it's completely level.


I decided against the newer drawn out zero-gs I don't really like the way they look and ride. This one was actually harder to make. The newer zero-g rolls are basically a B&M Hyper hill with a 180* roll in it. The older ones have a straight bit before the 0g part. I really wanna post videos of how it rides! But I'd be ruining it for the release, it's my favourite part of the ride.

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^Thanks man! Keep up the good work! To be honest this thing almost reminds me of a pimped-out version of Black Mamba!


^^And I have a little trouble believing that a Quintic transition is truly the midway between an Agnesi and Bernstein, considering the transitions are based on the named curves being derivatives of the transition. (IE. The slope of the selected transition curve at time "x" directly correlates to how fast the variable, be it normal/lateral force or roll, is changing at that time.)*






*NOT trying to pass myself off as a Calculus expert, I just know enough to understand the workings of Newton2

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is it wrong that I don't even know what Agnesi and Bernstein is! Haha I've only been using any form of tools outside what's given in NL for 5 months, so Newton is still relatively new, as I've been using NL since I was about 14 (so 7 years ). I generally just press buttons and compare it to real videos and images, I guess it's a long process of trail and error but I'm getting to grips with what's what now. The Red Dragon was my first Newton coaster.

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^ First completed, I'd played around with the program for a few months before I got the layout right. There's hundreds of drafts on my computer and the one in uni haha.


I really enjoy using it now though, I used to think you couldn't have the same freedom as hand building but I was really wrong.

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^Wrong indeed. As long as you know how to change the forces to get a particular track shaping, you can do anything you want! I was just late hopping on the Forced Vector bandwagon because I could never understand how the concept of Forced Vector Design worked until Newton2 presented it in a visual format. Now I kick myself for not getting it. *sighs* Being a visual learner sucks. Just wondering though, how long did it take you to design The Red Dragon and Daboia in Newton2?

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is it wrong that I don't even know what Agnesi and Bernstein is! Haha I've only been using any form of tools outside what's given in NL for 5 months, so Newton is still relatively new, as I've been using NL since I was about 14 (so 7 years ). I generally just press buttons and compare it to real videos and images, I guess it's a long process of trail and error but I'm getting to grips with what's what now. The Red Dragon was my first Newton coaster.


That was me until recently...now I get it (I had seen the real-life graphs and functions in Algebra II, so then I realized how that related to Newton).

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  • 2 weeks later...

After adding more foliage I decided it was looking a bit drab and dull I've changed the colour and setting. Now there's supports in I think I've made the right decision it's much more imposing and bold.



Am currently planning out the paths, queues and station for the ride area. There's a lot of terrain headaches to sort out! But watch this space.

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I'm not really digging the all orange track. I think painting the rails, the same as the supports might look better. It reminds me to much of Anaconda at Gold Reef City's new paint job, which sticks out like a sore thumb.


Here's what I mean:





Otherwise the track looks awesome, and I love the scenery!

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