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A few pics taken at SFOG

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Made a small trip to SFOG this past sunday. It was a pretty nice day...... nice weather and not too packed. Roller Coasters were an average 30 min. wait time.


I'll say this though, Batman is running SUPER loud! You can hear it all the way over in the Lickskillet section.


On to the photos!



Goliath's Helix from the front Gate


Into the helix!


Going up!


Goliath from the Skybuckets


Lift Hill porn!


Here we go!


3rd inversion on Batman


Twisted goodness!


the drop that starts the fun!


more lift hill porn!


coming at ya!


Best pic I could get of Mindbender!


Sadly, Acrophobia was living up to it's name that day (wasn't running)


Tower porn!


Ready for an ass kicking?


Ninja will deffinately give you one!


Brake run porn!




So close!


"We just got our asses kicked"


Ninja lurking through the trees!


Superman was fly (no pun intended)


Pretzel anyone?





"Yes, I agree..... Ninja will give you headaches!"


Track porn!

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Great to see GASM all white and pretty again after that last round of flood damage! Did you ride the Georgia Cyclone? How was it running? Haven't been to this park in so long, really miss it.


I want to ask that Goliath helix out on a date because I want to get all close and personal with it...

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Great to see GASM all white and pretty again after that last round of flood damage! Did you ride the Georgia Cyclone? How was it running? Haven't been to this park in so long, really miss it.


I want to ask that Goliath helix out on a date because I want to get all close and personal with it...



Didn't get to ride any woodies that day. Wanted to, but just didn't get around to them

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Acrophobia was down when I was there a couple of weeks ago. I hope this isn't an indicator...


And I hope Cyclone gets some love. It was so rough at the end of last season, it's bordering on unrideable. Sadly with the flood repairs, it didn't look like it did. At least (as someone noticed) we have some pretty parts of GASM again!

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^Yeah for 2008. I went to SFOG twice when it was Monster Plantation but sadly never rode it. I just rode it last week as Monster Mansion, I don't care for dark rides, but it was way better than I expected!


Nice photos, well except the ones of Ninja. It is the ONLY coaster (that I've ridden) that I actually hate. Its actually my least favorite non-kiddie-coaster! Sucks Acrophobia was closed, I've ridden it a few times but none of my friends had, and it was closed when we went also.

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^If you ride it in the front seat of the back car it's not terrible. Not that I'd go ride it 5 times or anything, but it didn't kill me!

Thats where I ALWAYS ride on Arrows & most Vekomas. On Arrows, it makes the ride way more smooth, on most Vekoma's it does make it smoother, but it's still rough!



Hey themeparkman25, where you recently at SFOG? I was there not too long ago and saw a few TPR members, I talked to some and I think one of them might of been you.

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Nice photos you have there on Six Flags over Georgia. I haven't been at that park in a long time, but plans to visit there in mid-June.


Although you had many photos of the many coasters there, there were a few I didn't see. I read from earlier post that the Georgia cyclone is closed due to flooding. I didn't see any pictures of the Canyon Coaster (is that right? ) nor any of the Mine train coaster. And I know there won't be any pictures of Deja Vu cause that took out that problematic waste of steel out years ago (AND I NEVER GOT TO RIDE IT @#$%!!! )


What was missing (and maybe I'm the only one who cares about it) were the pictures of the other rides. I wonder if they still have the Santa Maria (flying boats ride)?


"If you're dreaming of coaster goodness, then I'm the thing to lie your head on."

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Although you had many photos of the many coasters there, there were a few I didn't see. I read from earlier post that the Georgia cyclone is closed due to flooding.


The Georgia Cyclone is at the front of the park, and was not affected by this. The Great American Scream Machine never closed during normal operating hours because of this either.


I wonder if they still have the Santa Maria (flying boats ride)?

Yes, the Santa Maria is still at the park (in Bugs Bunny World/Spanish Section).

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As far as the Cyclone, didn't get to ride it so i wasn't able to get any pics of it. And the Mine Train is also hard to get pics of since it's sprawled out and has many obstacles blocking it. And also didn't go near Canyon Blaster, so didn't get pics of it. The Freefall is gone, so that would be impossible to get a pic of, lol. It's just the way the park is layed out and with all the trees, so it's kinda hard to get good shots of some of the rides.


Also, this Schwarzkopf ride was running and lookng "Wheelie" good this year.


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  • 3 weeks later...

"All righty then!"


First, a BIG Thank You Very Much to BRAD for giving infomation on the rides I ask about.


"I'm so glad the Santa Maria is still inside the park; I usually ride that ride three times in a row because there's hardly a line and they have lots of boats. Please help me out: WE NEED MORE PEOPLE TO RIDE THAT RIDE!


Then I want to give another BIG Thank You Very Much to BJS1981for that very sexy picture of The Wheelie. Yes, that ride looks "Wheelie" good.


And finally, one more Thank You Very Much to BRAD for dispelling any and all rumors that The Georgia Cyclone was flooded. Since that coaster and the Great American Scream Machine are reported to be in fine shape and still running, then I shall be down there this June to ride them.


One last thing to mention before I get to the pillow: The Mindbender is my favorite ride in the park. That coaster is sooooo fun to ride on.


"Until that time, you can always dream that you're back at Six Flags over Georgia. Just lay your head on me!"

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