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B&M and 240 feet...

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^ Yeah exactly. Hydra is only 95 feet tall with a 105 drop, and a little over 3000 feet long, yet it costs a hefty $13 million.


WIcked Twister only goes back and forth, with only one train and is still over 9 million. I dont believe one is that much more expensive than the other.

WT has a launching system though which are complex and add to the price, if you took it out, it'd cost much less (and not do anything...but that's not the point!)


A good example of that is Maverick and Fahrenheit. Virtually the same coaster, but cost is vastly different. Now granted Maverick is almost 2000 feet longer, but I'm sure it's two launches also contributed to it being $9 million more than Fahrenheit.

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It seems to be that B and M likes playing it safe. They are good at what they do, and that is make "luxury" roller coasters, so to speak. They don't do launches, vertical lifts, or any other real gimmicks.

In terms of the number 240, I have no clue why they aren't willing to do 255 or something like that.


They are gimmicky in that they have done Dive Machine, Flying Coaster, Stand-Up, and Floorless.


Why make it over 240? Superman Ride of Steel to a lot of people is the best steel coaster, and it's drop at SFNE is only at 221. Yes, it's Intamin, but look at the height. Top Thrill Dragster, and Kingda Ka only have had problems. Millenium Force has had cable snaps. Taller doesn't always mean better, but it just means it's a taller ride.


Someone was saying something about having lifthill chains being so heavy for a 300 footer, and that's why they used cable. How about having 2 lifthills chains? One that is 150 ft plus extra, and another one that is 150 ft. plus extra You put one at the start, and one in the middle. Of course, you have to have them at the same speed.

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Someone was saying something about having lifthill chains being so heavy for a 300 footer, and that's why they used cable. How about having 2 lifthills chains? One that is 150 ft plus extra, and another one that is 150 ft. plus extra You put one at the start, and one in the middle. Of course, you have to have them at the same speed.


That doesn't seem very B&M-like as you now have two lift systems that could break and take the ride down instead of one. In general you want to reduce complexity/points of failure, not add to it/them.

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^^I don't see what's the difference with one or two. If one chain breaks on let's say Raptor, the ride is down than. Cables for rides just need to be replaced so often especially with a taller ride compared to chain lifts. I don't think having two chain lifts right after each is that complex of a system. It's not like LIMs or LSMs.

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I'm not quite sure if the 2 lifts even count as 2 block sections anyways, I'd assume that they count as 1 block section


Generally, one lift counts as one block, one block brake counts as one block, and the station counts as a block.

So where does one lift with 2 chains fit into that?...

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I'm not quite sure if the 2 lifts even count as 2 block sections anyways, I'd assume that they count as 1 block section


Generally, one lift counts as one block, one block brake counts as one block, and the station counts as a block.


Yeah, but SD2K isn't a "general" coaster, it's a unique one with a unique lift hill.

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I'm not quite sure if the 2 lifts even count as 2 block sections anyways, I'd assume that they count as 1 block section


Generally, one lift counts as one block, one block brake counts as one block, and the station counts as a block.

So where does one lift with 2 chains fit into that?...


I doubt that would change anything.

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^Tell that to this guy

I really think bizarro at sfne is a great ride! (even though i didnt ride it yet)

Yes, this thread is about B&M and 240 feet, but we were merely discussing reasons why lift hills cant go that high...and then you asked about the blocking issue and we got off topic, so in an attempt to bring this back on track:


I believe they don't go over 240 because they're WAY TOO FREAKIN EXPENSIVE!!!!

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