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The Mega Dead Celebrity Thread

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I think he was someone that transcended sports. You didn't have to be a "sports person" to be know of Stu. For myself, I grew up with him on Sportscenter.


His speech this past July at the ESPYs, was right up there with Jimmy V's original "Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up" speech back in 1993. The most poignant line from that speech is "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live." I'll never forget those words.



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^ I agree... I used to love all of those guys (and gals) back in the day. Chris Berman, Dan Patrick, Stu, Robin Roberts, Keith Olbermann. The list goes on and on of great personalities that hosted SportsCenter at one time or another. Stu was definitely a stand-out though...great family guy with a wonderful, funny personality.


I literally had a hard time choking back tears at the wonderful tribute video that his ESPN colleagues did for him...very touching and well done.

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Rest in Peace Rod Taylor:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/10/movies/rod-taylor-hollywood-leading-man-who-battled-the-birds-dies-at-84.html?_r=0.


Some of you may remember him from the George Pal version (that is, the GOOD version) of The Time Machine .



Here he is as Winston Churchill in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.


Edited by cfc
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^"The Time Machine" was the very first horror movie my parents took me to.

Scared the stuffing out of me, lol! And then seeing him being the hero in "The Birds".

And we didn't even recognize him in "Inglourious Basterds".



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  • 3 weeks later...
Born, April 20, 1949 in Hamilton, Ontario


Canadian national figure skating champion 1971-1976


World bronze medalist 1974

Olympic bronze medalist1976


Inducted Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame1976


Recipient of the Order of Canada in 1977


Inducted Canadian Figure Skating Hall of Fame1997

Inducted Canada’s Walk of Fame in 2003


Toller Cranston, one of the biggest influences in men's figure skating competition,

passed away last night, at the age of 65. He had retired to Mexico and persued his other

passion, of painting.


A really incredible figure skater in his time, and for those after him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Poor Meep.


The actor who played Meep, one of the sweet freaks in American Horror Story's latest season

(Freak Show), lost his life after an accident with a car while crossing a street.


Sweet character. Not enough screen time, as his demise came 'early' in the series.


RIP Ben Woolf


Gone too soon. )o:

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