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Cleveland Tourism Video

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"The Cleveland Tourism Board gave me 14 million dollars about 8 months ago to make a promotional video to bring people to Cleveland. As usual, I waited till the last minute and I ended up having to shoot and edit it in about an hour yesterday afternoon. I probably should have invested more time."









"So The Cleveland Board of Tourism was not happy with the first video that I turned in. In fact, they said that upon viewing it, three of the board members moved away.


They insisted that I turn in a proper Cleveland tourism video, otherwise they will pursue litigation.


So I was really planning on buckling down and giving it my all this time, but there was a "Rock of Love" marathon on VH1 last night that I didn't want to miss, so I cranked this video out in even less time than the first one. Roughly 35 minutes total.


Despite this, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out, and I think they will be too."



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Lol, I'm from Cleveland and I think they're funny. I love Cleveland, but frankly, the way the city is run is just awful. There is basically zero confidence left in the city. Public projects take forever, and private investment is always hitting snags along the way. Honestly, if the city doesn't get its act together, it's going to have a serious problem in the upcoming years. Cities in very similar situations are giving a significantly better effort to better their cities. Take Cincinnati for example. Very similar issues and setbacks, yet the amount of investment in the city right now is actually quite high. The Banks (similar in style to the now stalled Flats) is finally undergoing construction and is quite impressive to see under construction. Queen City Square phase 2 is also under construction (Cincinnati's tallest building) and Over-the-Rhine is seeing a massive amount of rehabilitation going on making it quite the up and coming neighborhood in Cincy. The currently proposed streetcar will bring a significant amount of business to the city when/if (hopefully when, not if) it's built. Cleveland needs people with this type of confidence in order to remove these images that currently plague the city.


But on a less serious note, these videos are still hilarious. My favorite is the "come see our two buildngs." Lol, even though there are technically three major skyscrapers, I found that part quite funny. People need to not take such offense to videos like these. It is all fun and games and honestly, they could learn something from them as this is the general reputation that Cleveland currently has.

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Over-the-Rhine is seeing a massive amount of rehabilitation going on making it quite the up and coming neighborhood in Cincy.


Investing in OTR is like shoveling money into the incinerator. It's a nasty ghetto and will remain a nasty ghetto. They've been talking about rebuilding it since at least the early 90s, but it's just never going to going anywhere when you consider the crime, the drugs, etc.

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...I may not be a native, but OTR's crime rate has dropped significantly and is only slightly higher than that of the surrounding areas. And all the investment that has gone into it has resulted in some astonishing projects. Hardly shoveling money into an incinerator...


It's fairly ignorant to say that a "ghetto will always stay a ghetto." Look at many other cities for examples of the slums turning around. Harlem in New York is a great example. Yes, it's still far from a perfect neighborhood, but if you look at before and after pictures of it, the amount of improvement is astonishing.


I recently researched quite a few of the real estate trends in Cincinnati to gage my demographics for my studio project, and my results found that OTR is the fastest growing part of the urban core. The people moving there are mainly young professionals and empty-nesters. Hardly the types of people you'd consider from the "ghetto." Is OTR still a trouble spot? Of course it is. A walk down Vine (if you feel safe enough to do so) will show you that. But saying that it will not improve (or hasn't already) is not the truth. Cincinnati's population is growing (which is impressive for a city in this economy) and OTR is responsible for a good portion of the increase in the population of the core of the city.

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Lol, whatever. If you're blind enough to not see the improvements that have been made and ignorant enough to tell someone you don't even know they have no clue what they're talking about, I really don't feel like discussing the matter with you.


How about that Cleveland tourism video. Tis quite funny

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^I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but OTR was supposedly doing well before the riots hit in 2001. That set progress back in the area about 10 years with the resulting crime wave. I lived downtown then and it was a very ugly time. The police were effectively neutered and many businesses moved out of downtown. Armed robbery was rampant as far south as 4th Street.


The fact that crime has dropped off a bit isn't particularly surprising as it could not increase forever. But OTR is still a nasty ghetto with drug dealing in the open, lots of homeless, panhandlers, more empty buildings than occupied ones, jaywalkers who get mad at you for having the nerve to drive down the street, and, of course, plenty of shootings and murders. I drive through the area all the time. It still looks like an ugly ghetto to me.


If people want to move in, that's great. I've done it and seen where it leads. They haven't solved the root of the problem and therefore are, in my estimation, living on top of a powder keg. To make the problem worse, Hamilton County has a serious shortage of jail space and no money to correct this problem.

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^I respect your opinion, and I understand where you are coming from which is why I don't want to argue with you. Obviously our opinions on the matter are different and we believe different things are possible with the current circumstances surrounding OTR. This is why I think we should agree to disagree since there is really no need to to argue over the issue or for me to call you ignorant or you to tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's just a case of differing opinions, and obviously you are a respected member of these boards, and I don't want to sound like I think you are incapable of understanding the situation, since you obviously have experience living significantly longer in Cincy than I have and you've formed your opinion on the neighborhood because of that. I haven't been there quite two years yet, but from what I've seen has appeared positive to me, and maybe this will change with time, but currently I feel OTR is headed in the right direction. And hopefully if the city gets its act together and builds the streetcar OTR will see a jump in the pace of which these projects are being completed. I say we let it be and stop highjacking this thread lol. My bad people, my bad

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^Lol, although not quite as funny to me as the Cleveland videos (maybe it's because I'm biased since I'm from Cleveland) the dreadhawk parts were hilarious. I almost spit my drink all over my Mac lol. Although I guess that taking a drink while watching a funny video is probably not the best idea

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