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Mini Park Contest - RCT1, RCT2, RCT3

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^Well I really, really wish you wouldn't, but I'm going to reduce 50pts on it if your going to use it.


50 points is WAAAY too much! I agree with DBru. Since it was not judged he should be able to enter his existing park without the 50 point reduction.


Plus, it was never stated in the official rules that you may not enter already existing parks (like DBru's park). I think you should let him enter it. Without the 50 point deduction.



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Fine, you can post it, but I think I already told you that you won it. I'm just going to say this to anyone willing to do this. You will not be able to get a 200 out of 100 if you do this. I will be very picky on those entry's.


I will just say that its only a 15pt reduction.


Now I wanted to add this. The top 3 scores at the end will be on a poll here. (Including Coaster-net, and here)


Now I do hope you make some changes to the park, so that it will be a little different than the download. Plus I might remove the reduction.

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Hmm might as well, I join! I will use RCT2. Oh one question, is it RCT1 to RCT3 or just RCT1 and RCT3?



It's on Wild 1! Just don't wuss out and use your finished parks.


Also, why the negativity towards hacks and CS? Hacks and CS make parks better when used right. Prove that last statement wrong any way you can. Also, just have no penalty for hacking/CS. Did good parks ever get shot down for being too good?


No I'm making a whole new park just for this! I have a feeling that this is going to be a great contest.

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Just a couple of quick questions TLM.


1) Will a Water Park be considered as having a generic theme?


2) With bonus points is the Grand Total a maximum of 190/200, because you said that if you don't hack you get 10pts and if you merge a ride you get 20pts?

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I don't think your scoring mdoel is good. In 04 on Atari Mousing made the contests and at the turn-in date all entrants could PM their votes in to Mousing. I'm thinking you could do that model but then the few that get the most votes would be in a public poll. I'm sure that's a better scoring model, unless you want restrictions.

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I'm in. Sorry I'm a little late. Either way, this should be easy as pie, and fun too!


EDIT: Can I 'edit' premade designs so that they're different and use those? For example, I edited Verticulator, the Intamin giga coaster on RCT2. I know it's too tall, but I edited it so that it has 2 final brakes and a capacity of up to 4 trains. Am I allowed to do something like that to a coaster and use it?

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