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Photo TR: Sea World San Antonio & SFFT

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^^Thank you!!! I think my camera is dirty or something, because the pictures have a bit of a "graininess" to them.


^I didn't get to ride Boomerang, sadly, but it was either that or Rattler, and I have been on two Boomerangs, so I decided Rattler. Polty was testing in the morning, but didn't open until around 2:30 or so. I didn't get any pictures of it in action unless you see a picture I took of something else with Poltergeist in the background running. Damn, now I wish I would have taken more pictures of it.


EDIT: Here are a couple of it in the background:


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Glad you got pics of the Giant Frisbee. My brothers and I call that the Ralphenator for it's ability to make everyone throw up. I remember every time we would try to ride it was always closed for cleaning!! Ha!


I Love Superman!!

Great Photos!! Thanks for posting!!

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^Hmm ... I can't remember B:TR from SFMM very well, other than our feet hurting when we got off. Goliath made my feet hurt a little bit more than Great White, but I'd say they are both about equal. If I *HAD* to choose which one was more intense, I'd say Great White. I'd say Great White was smoother as well.


THBS spins depending on who is in the car. Ours spun just about right.

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Great White isn't actually a true clone...it had all of it's "straight sections" shortened a decent amount and therefore is more compact, which adds a little speed and force...it's easily my favorite BTR (although Goliath is cool because it drops the other way).


Did you notice Polty's brand new coat of paint? The ride looked soo good yesturday. I'm really upset I decided to not bring my camera as it was a great day to take pictures as the rides took forever to get on and the weather was great.


Poltergeist DID look great! I was thinking that while waiting in line. It's very shiny and really stands out. It's amazing what a simple coat of paint can do.

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Great pics dude. I don't think I could ever take that many pics of a park!


I can't wait to go to SFFT with TPR in August. I just realized how many "big for their type" coasters SFFT has. One of the biggest Arrow Mine Trains, B&M Floorlesses, and Woodens. I sure hope SKC has more forces than I am accustomed to on my three floorless credits.


Anyway, great pics!

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