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Cruising with Theme Park Review 2008!

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The Flowrider is so much fun! I have been on the Freedom of the Seas one and I had a blast! The only problem is that there is a big line in the middle of the day! If your thinking to yourself, that looks like it hurts when you wipe out! It doesn't at all! Its like cushioned mats

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^From what I've seen Winter of 2011 on Oasis looks to be very reasonable. Haven't seen much before that. Pretty much have to wait till her sister ship Allure comes out.


We will do that TPR Cruise yet! Especially with that Jeff Johnson credit at Labadee!

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Oooo! Good to know! I haven't actually been following the prices, since I first looked at that August cruise, which was outrageous! It would have cost us more than double what we're paying for IntimidaTOUR, which we readily chose to do, instead. (The trip our friends are going on overlaps with IntimidaTOUR.)


I don't think we'd have a problem pulling the kids out of school for a week, in winter 2011.

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