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Tim's TPR Europe 2008 photo trip report.

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^ At least your photo is more... um....


Geez I don't know what to call it, LOL.




I looked like I could be some other visitor to the park, and not even part of the TPR Tour.

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I've learned to be more careful with pictures on TPR trips. I'm pretty sure I've upset some people unintentionally by taking pictures as there are social cues that I don't pick up.


On the other hand, there are some "candid" shots that just beg to be taken, but I never "hide" my camera

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^The best part that you were oblivious to my shenanigans. Just looking around in your own world. Can't do that when I'm around!


And what makes you (all) think I actually didn't know you/Terry were/was coming up around behind me, when I "staged" that reading-a-book pose?


Oblivious? Phhhhhhhht!


Bill "Former Actors Equity card holder" Houghton


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^LOL, of course.......


The picture in question..... I took one of a TPR member (ELZ) to make sure the lighting and framing would capture the guy coming out a few people after him. I would only get one shot at said hot guy, and I wasn't missing that picture


Test picture of Elz


In order to make sure this picture came out

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I've learned to be more careful with pictures on TPR trips. I'm pretty sure I've upset some people unintentionally by taking pictures as there are social cues that I don't pick up.


On the other hand, there are some "candid" shots that just beg to be taken, but I never "hide" my camera


One thing you need to remember is not to take pictures of people eating (especially in the morning) unless you know them and have asked their permission. Few pictures of people eating turn out flattering.


Waiting for the flood of unappealing pictures of me eating now, as if enough have not already been posted.

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^^Mission accomplished!


And it's still very creepy. I love scoping the men, put I'll keep my camera put away, thank you very much. Besides, if you ask nice they'll pose with you or even let you take their picture.


People have asked me to take pics with them or I've asked to take pictures of other people.




Man on right, I knew. Man on left: Hot trade. I asked to take a picture and he said yes. Give 'em a choice!

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^Terrance, I think you just filled the quota for topless male photos on the forums for the month!


LOL! I had to make a point.


Be nice and I'll add the video of the go-go girls dancing at the party in Madrid in my TPR. One turns around to show you her assets while dancing in a pseudo-Wonder Woman outfit. She was working it out.



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The stage of Efteling is not for Sound of Music, but for the 'Zomeravonden'. The park is open till midnight, and there are Dutch stars singing there.


Sound of Music comes to the Efteling Theater, near the entrance.

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  • 2 months later...

So it's three months later and I'm just now finally starting to check out trip reports. Great photos Tim!! It's fun to hear the Efteling soundtrack as well. I didn't get to enjoy the Flying Dutchman theme music in the park, because I was too busy getting French-crunched in line to even notice it, so it's nice to look back and appreciate it now.


Excellent TR - Hope you post some more!

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