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Castle Rock Park [RCT2]

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Hey all!


First here's some (short) background about my new park:


"Castle Rock is a small themepark in the hills of the Black Forest. Featuring only 3 rides, the management purchased a plot of land behind the castle for new rides."


This park will be built with the theming that comes with the orginal RCT2, so no extra sets or expansions.Nothing to fancy, just a simple RCT2 park. Hope you enjoy it


Overview. Thank you for watching this!


The other entrance to the castle. This is also the place where you can enter the newly purchased land.


The castle terrain is surrounded by walls.


Another view.


The castle sits on top of a hill. It's home to 2 rides, Castle Terror and Master Flush.


You can climb to the hill or use the chair lift.


Welcome to Castle Rock Park.

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A new rollercoaster is constructed! This coaster will have you flying down the hills and swinging past trees from left to right as if it's nothing.


Overview to see the location of the rides.


New foodstands and boat ride in the back.


I updated the entrance area because I wasn't happy about it. There's also a monorail that starts here and goes through the hills to the other side of the domain.


Here you can see just how crazy this ride is!


The lifthill will bring riders back up to the castle.


More twisty goodness.


Alot of turns await.


After a short lifthill riders are released for their crazy ride in the woods.

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The new coaster looks cool, definitely fits in with the rest of the park, but it seems just too long to be realistic. Overall, you're doing a great job with this . Can't wait for the rest.


Do you really think it's too long? It's only 870m. I admit it's long but I disagree on the too long part.


Anyway thanks for your input.

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I really like the concept, however, your perimeter wall around the castle should be a bit more detailed, it's just a wall. Maybe you should make it "thicker", it just looks fake with the wall being so thin. It would be a lot better by simply adding in a single wide path on the inside and adding in a second interior wall, and then a stairway for the guests to get up there.

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Okay minor changes:


-The kiddie coaster is a bit extended.


-The perimeter is now fully completed with a double wall and a path for guests.


That's it!


Wall now looks realistic!


Ooh delicious wood :D


Kiddie coaster with some more track!

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2 new coasters + 2 other rides + new shops!


Overview. I retracked the monorail so that it also has a station near Inverzion.


There a new cinema sphere between the tracks of Inverzion


Another new coaster: Inverzion


The entrance to the coaster and new shops!


Forest Poltergeist.


A observation tower is added!

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I love that new looper. You have it in the perfect spot. I love the loop over the water. However, the SLC seems out of place in the park, maybe once you expand the park some more it will look better, I will hold my final verdict until then. Other than that, you are doing an excellent job, keep it up!

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